I got a job as a writer

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wish there was a bojangles near me, best one in the country is in apex nc was tradition to hit shows in raleigh and be there at 6 in the morning when everything was coming fresh out've the fryer
Have you heard of the Waffle House index? It's how we decide where to send emergency aid. :lol:

Almost, but no.. the waffle house index is used to determine -how much- assistance is required in the recovery effort.. you do get credit for knowing that though, had no idea you had a clue as to anything but killing cannabis.
Almost, but no.. the waffle house index is used to determine -how much- assistance is required in the recovery effort.. you do get credit for knowing that though, had no idea you had a clue as to anything but killing cannabis.

:lol: No, it also decides where they go. If waffle house has a full menu, the area is considered "ok". I wouldn't expect you to know that though, you probably just Googled it after I said it. :lol:
:lol: No, it also decides where they go. If waffle house has a full menu, the area is considered "ok". I wouldn't expect you to know that though, you probably just Googled it after I said it. :lol:

Stephen Colbert on the Colbert Report brought to attention a few years ago. Im pretty sure that is where everyone heard it.
Time stamp 4-27-2013 3:08
are you 16?

and do you want to cyber with my friend, who is not me

Time stamp on post 4-27 3:38
just plant seed sideways, so you can see its side fully not the edg but the whole whole side, into a fold of the rockwal and keep moist not soaked but moist and make initial sock for an hour in 5.5ph water, then sprize to keep damp and your good should see action quickly, also plant it about 1/4 in into rockwall and then cover or push together th erockwall but be carefull not to pop out seed, onto floor then under foot

i do the same thing in HP promix

no towel

no baggies or any other shit just sow and go

keep it simple stupid -kiss

oh and my germ rates are around 98% over my 3 years going at it with seeds

Hope you have a few seeds cause if you listen to our Russian Friend here you will be disappointed, however it is up to you how you want to do it, the Russian way or the way everyone else does it :wink:

Stephen Colbert on the Colbert Report brought to attention a few years ago. Im pretty sure that is where everyone heard it.

Except for the guy that came in and was completely wrong about it. If he has seen it on Colbert he would have known that if Waffle House if doing ok, the area gets no aid. That was the WHOLE joke :dunce: :lol:
Lol i must have made schwaggy cry. he ignored me...

maybe i should have let him keep thinking hes gods gift to growing....

fuck no. you can buy brickpacked mexican garbage in a burlap sack of higher quality than schwaggys got.

and holy fuck, this kid posts the stupidist videos. was randomly checking out grow related stuff on youtube, and turned up this retarded video of this kid blasting his schwagg. fucking hurting ass video
Annnd ive now seen the dumbest video. fin seems to think pimp c of ugk was at the denver 420 rally. dumbass, pimps
dead. The fifth anaversary of his death was last december.

i love how accurate fin is. pimp c magically alive, harming plants and telling peeps it makes his plants better.

and i heard about the craigslist dog poop hash. whats wrong with this guy. everything he is involved in is messed up.

wtf buddy. i have to agree with poly 100%. im never changing that sig...
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