I got a sprout!!


Active Member
Little seedling growing... currently receiving BOTH sunlight and a CFL...

Q: Is a cfl necessary if its getting sunlight through my window? (I just want it really bright but im wondering if sunlight alone is okay because its not outside and its through glass)
Wait til vegging, its gonna grow like crazy!
Ps: subscribed


Active Member
As you can see, the "true" leafs are rapidly growing while the cotyledon leafs are looking smaller and smaller.

The first picture is from 2 days ago; while the 2nd picture was just taken [day 4]

I'll keep posting pics!! Thank you to all who are with me on this little project



Active Member
Dude.i aint a big time grow-pro here..but whatever i learnt with my small experiences..sprouts need a good amount of light ...
u can keep em in the window for daytime wen the light is good enough..then later in the day ..put it under some CFLs...
then again ,right now u can continue with ur window thing ..but u ll soon need lights..infact very soon...try giving it some nice light..it'll grow as hell..or maybe give it a proper room and lighting and avoid th ewindow thing..
the choice is upto u ...People generally go for 18/6 lighting at this period...some even 24/0

Good luck !!:weed:


Active Member
Dude.i aint a big time grow-pro here..but whatever i learnt with my small experiences..sprouts need a good amount of light ...
u can keep em in the window for daytime wen the light is good enough..then later in the day ..put it under some CFLs...
then again ,right now u can continue with ur window thing ..but u ll soon need lights..infact very soon...try giving it some nice light..it'll grow as hell..or maybe give it a proper room and lighting and avoid th ewindow thing..
the choice is upto u ...People generally go for 18/6 lighting at this period...some even 24/0

Good luck !!:weed:
thank you amigo ya I this little guy seems to turn to the cfl over the sun (Ha!)

I kinda figured that just how the plant moved toward the cfl... It's about 4" from it now

thank u


Active Member
thank you amigo ya I this little guy seems to turn to the cfl over the sun (Ha!)

I kinda figured that just how the plant moved toward the cfl... It's about 4" from it now

thank u
Yea dude its worth it to invest in a bunch of cfls. when your plant grows a little bit, more light=more growth.

Dude my plant is in such a cool growth stage right now, shes a 2 leafed seedling that has a bunch of small leaves just about to explode into growth:grin:


Active Member
After some careless choices, I bought the correct type of light.

This isnt anything special but we'll see how well it works.

I got a 10W and 15W (careless thought they were the same but we'll go with it)
6500K daylight CFL producing approx 1800 lumens/sq foot.

Leaving lights on 24 hrs too.

Also-- I changed the potting mix from an outdoor soil and mulch mixture to a miracle gro potting mix. So, I had to transplant my little seedling and expose its long white little root. could that be a problem? =/

****DAY 5*****

True leafs growing rapidly... they're looking pretty fat so it looks like i may have a bit of an indica strain..

The 2nd pic is my overall set up.. the 6500K bulb is so bright (I need to wear sunglasses lol)! (even for a little 15W bulb)

The last pic was just taken [day 5]

**New (extremely small) shoots are developing!! (idk if you can see them inthe pic)
plz comment on the development if youd like



Active Member
a light timer isnt all that important, but remembering times and being home to turn off the lights can be a hassle, speaking of, what are you using for light?

to avoid over watering you should use the finger test. to know when to water, dig your finger in inch or two into the soil around the edge of the pot to fell how dry it is. the #1 noob mistake is overwatering. just remember its a plant and will grow regardless of how you tent to it (to a point), it has everything it needs to grow in the cotyledons(round club leafs) so it wont need any nutrients for atleast a month or when those leafs fall off

any questions?
I got a timer.


Well-Known Member
That's a great start that you have there, I also started in cups but found really soon that it was time to get rid of them. If you go to your local garden store for less than a dollar a piece you can get a pot that will be much better than the plastic cup that you are currently growing in. I would also check the local lowes or hardware store for a socket splitter, then you can trun your 2 sockets into 4. I started with a single light and after some reading found that I needed MUCH more than that. I currently run 14 CFL's for 6 plants and am still under lit, check out my photo album, not to say that i"m any good at this by any means but just give it a look. Well Good luck to you :peace:


hey congrats im also on my first grow after contemplating and reading for hours i think im ready. on step at a time lol good luck


Active Member
Oh it is so exciting

Being a homo this is gunna be the only offspring i'll ever produce!

its my baby :leaf::-D :)


Well-Known Member
I don't really care man we're here to talk buds so all other things aside..........did you figure out the bug problem???


Active Member
I don't really care man we're here to talk buds so all other things aside..........did you figure out the bug problem???
No I transplanted my seedling to the MG :P

Although i did see a daddy long leg spider in the bag... but i doubt there'd be any bugs in a MG bag.


Well-Known Member
No I transplanted my seedling to the MG :P

Although i did see a daddy long leg spider in the bag... but i doubt there'd be any bugs in a MG bag.
I also used the MG but the bugs seemed to find a way in.....right now I am noticing a white worm like bug on the sticky strips that I'm using and noticing fruit flies and a hair like bug in the vinager and soap mixture that I have in there. I bought some sand tonight so I will put that on there tomorrow when I get home from work. The only thing I don't like about the sand is that it will be a little tougher to tell the moisture of the soil with a layer of sand on the top.
