i got caught, do you think this lie can get me out of this jam

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New Member
ok me and my friend was at school and he had bud well of coures i wonted to smoke it so he had the bright idea of going to the bath room and tokein it i thought it was a dumb ass idea and didnt wont to do it there and of coures a kid snitchet on us and my freind inded up confessin. but my freind confesset that i did it to. so i came up with a lie. that i went in the bath room and seen a pop can pipe thing and went to through it away and thin my teacher came in so i just through it down cause i didnt wont him to think it was mine and the next day the princeble tryed to blame me for it so i went to the kid and told him i was going to tell the princeble that he did it cause they are trying to blame it on me and the kid said that if i did that he would say that i smoket it with him trying to make a threat so that i wouldnt tell on him. now do you think that lie would convence the princeble

past times

Well-Known Member
spell check...and no

my experience with teachers and principals have shown that they rarely believe anything coming out of a students mouth...especially a stoner.

just take the detentions and saturday school and stop smoking in the actual school building


New Member
How old are you like 14? If you got caught yer skrewed fess up dont be a pussy.
they are trying to expell me all year mother fucker i dont wont to take 10nth grad all over again ok and i know its fucket but snitchin is fucket to dude


Well-Known Member
spell check...and no

my experience with teachers and principals have shown that they rarely believe anything coming out of a students mouth...especially a stoner.

just take the detentions and saturday school and stop smoking in the actual school building
Exactly, we used to smoke behind the school back in my day, never got caught.


Well-Known Member
No its not going to work, they already know what happened and now they are watching you squirm like a worm. Are you that impatient that you cant wait till 3:00 pm?


Master of Mayhem
hey dude why dont you just be a man and fess up to what u did and while your at it in juvie or wherever they are gonna put you you could use some fine tuning on your writing skills cuz they really suck i mean its hard to read what you have typed when you dont use punctuation or anything so yeah just admit to what you did stop being a pussy and by the way i think zekedogg could stomp a mudhole in your ass cuz your like 13 or like something:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
they are trying to expell me all year mother fucker i dont wont to take 10nth grad all over again ok and i know its fucket but snitchin is fucket to dude
If you cant do the time dont do the crime. Its yer own fault, how stupid do you have to be to smoke it in the school? smoke it out back!! I never got caught. 10th grade ok so yer 15 sorry dont you have to be 18 to post on this site?


New Member
hey dude why dont you just be a man and fess up to what u did and while your at it in juvie or wherever they are gonna put you you could use some fine tuning on your writing skills cuz they really suck i mean its hard to read what you have typed when you dont use punctuation or anything so yeah just admit to what you did stop being a pussy and by the way i think zekedogg could stomp a mudhole in your ass cuz your like 13 or like something:rolleyes:
dude you dont even know me so fuck off bitch and i dont spell well cause i dont wont to so fuck off


Well-Known Member
they are trying to expell me all year mother fucker i dont wont to take 10nth grad all over again ok and i know its fucket but snitchin is fucket to dude
Maybe it won't be such a bad thing. You could work on your punctuation and grammar next year. Haha...sorry dude I had to say it.


100% Authentic A$$Hole
I hope Rollitup doesnt ban you danny, you are fun to fuck with:hump:

Now open up and say ahhhh bitch!!
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