I got free samples!


Well-Known Member
I emailed General Hydroponics and asked for some samples they said pay the shipping and they will send me some. Heres what I got


Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
you should delete this thread, the samples are available but it will be very limited if people keep exploiting this technique. You should give it a shot but don't expect it to last if you are posting up about it man. I understand to help the community, but why not help us out by not fucking this up?


Well-Known Member
They give away free samples for a reason, it is a marketing tactic. Giving away free samples isn't some secret, they gave me about 4 quarts of nutrients, not enough to get me through one grow. If I like the way these nutes work, I will buy more of them, cha-ching marketing tactic success!

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
believe it or not a bunch of people that already use the nutes call in for the samples and ive recieved the same package, its great marketing but its being exploited more than you would think


Well-Known Member
So your suggesting that we keep our knowledge of free samples a secret? These companies aren't going to say "o gawd everybody is asking for samples of our products we better quit giving them out" they have a budget for marketing which includes advertising and samples, the more people that use their products the better for them.

All you have to do is look for the the companies email on their website and ask them for samples. Advanced nutes sends them to your local hydro shop and gh mails them to you if you front the shipping. Those are the only companies that have answered my emails.