I got some sick plants please help


So my plants are about 3 wks old and I've been feeding them gh with drip system once every hour they are under 4 t8 cool whites and I've been noticing on 2 of them that there is slight reddish purpleish fan leaf stems and spots on the lower leaves. I'm just trying to figure it out before its too late the ph was at 6.2 in the res now I'm sitting at 5.8 any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
how cold is ur room getting at night? pics are worth a thousand words. it could just me temp stress from getting cold in the middle of the night. mine do it all the time. but it could also be something more serious. but hard to tell without pics.


Active Member
Discoloration from my experience is usually from drastic temp changes... Too cold a night could be a deffinat reason.


yeh temps for me, could also be overfeed but what are you leafs like? if your leaves ok, your ladies r cold, grow room heaters on ebay about £30


Well-Known Member
its honestly hard to tell. how r they doing now? sorry for not getting back at a decent time. it could be nute burn or some kinda bugs. my lower leaves always look the same just from handling and spilling nutes on them from watering. as long as the top leaves arent all messed up and when u peak around u dont see bugs id just let them be. i dont do anything with the lower leaves anymore besides spray them with a bug spray every now and then to keep up on my preventative maint.

Nepaljam x Oaxaca

Active Member
Veg- day: 78F
night: 62F
Bloom- day:78F
night: 64F

The above temp schedual will optimize growth, aid co2 absorbtion and help overall plant health.


Well-Known Member
co2 is expensive and u need a sealed room if im correct. not worth it for smaller grows in my opinion. i dont grow enough plants at one time to justify spending that kind of money.


Well-Known Member
co2 is expensive and u need a sealed room if im correct. not worth it for smaller grows in my opinion. i dont grow enough plants at one time to justify spending that kind of money.
just set up simple Co2 for my 11x14 INCH box im growing in. Co2 is not expensive and does not need to be sealed off.

check out my thread for the DIY method its simple

you exhale Co2 when you breathe
Sounds similar to the problem im havin. These things looked beautiful in veg, then started to look worse as flower went on. Get brown spots and yellowing on lower fan leaves, upper leaves started turning purple. In soil, nute ph is 6.5, under 600w hps in a 4x4x7 grow tent, temps are 73 day and 63 night. Any thoughts?
mg soil, which i know isn't the best but i've never had this problem with it before, so i don't think thats the cause. about a month ago i switched to flora bloom grow micro, so i was leaning towards nute burn myself, although the tips of the leaves never got scorched looking, they just got the brown spots and started to yellow. i've been giving them nutes every watering, was thinking maybe it was too much and the soil is getting back up with nutes. last few days have fed them nothing but water, no real change. i realize the dead/dying leaves wont recover, but it seems like the fan leaves that weren't dying are starting to.


Well-Known Member
What MG soil? if its the stuff the has nutes in all ready then the best thing would be to transplant. do not feel bad if you have to do that.I did with one of my plants and with in a week she was happy again. or flush real good and water for week and see if she comes around for ya, let her dry out good before water again. to wet is no good for long time


Would be nice to control the temp so precise. I'm going to run co2 buckets when I go 12/12 under hps ebb n flow .it's sealed good on both veg and bud side , so they haven't spread and Im running around 1300 ppm everything seems to run good so it sounds like not a serious issue thanks for all the help.