i got to tell someone

Oh, I understood that. I was struggling with the concept of a tobacco product being compared to....... well, most anything great.

Not ripping on fine tobacco. Never smoked any myself. I guess it could be magical. Though I doubt it.

if you consider puffing on 100's of chemicals just for the fact of puffing on 100's of chemicals then sure, its real magical

wish i never started i'll never be able to quit that dirt

ocassional cigar won't hurt though
It's like a vacation while you have it. Alas my body gets mad at me for indulging so it's a rare treat and I have to have a lighter smoke.
I have some suggestions for you if you'd like though.
I would love suggestions! I'm in Canada though, that might change my options :P

EDIT: I know what you mean by body anger, I don't smoke enough to have any real tobacco tolerance so sometimes I'll get nauseous. I'm always enjoying it so I just want to smoke it down as much as I can, and for a full cigar that's a lot for a small, sensitive, person like me haha They're soooo good though, nothing like sitting outside in the sun just taking it all in.
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I'm pretty sure there's a difference in your Marlboros and a macanudo...
Oh, I understood that. I was struggling with the concept of a tobacco product being compared to....... well, most anything great.

Not ripping on fine tobacco. Never smoked any myself. I guess it could be magical. Though I doubt it.
Hey,I'll try a proper cigar...when in Rome...
I figure the native Americans were not retarded,theres something to tobacco...but like everything else he's touched,the white man fucked it up...now with amazing advances in the field of tobacco since those days,I'm sure what was ok tobacco in the early years of cigars/tobacco products,has become exquisite..I'm not one to turn my head away from perfection of anything..I'm sure pointed in the right direction,one could enjoy a cigar without ever having one before and enjoy it..
I bet if you were turned onto brown Mexican right now for your first time you'd disdain pot...
You just explained why I have 2 50 gallon drums of empty mead bottles. For a moment a few years ago I saught perfection in fermented honey. Not on that kick no more.
Those bottles were all empty within 24 hours of purchase. Definatly not hoarding. It was a pattern. Started with broad mites at 3 houses, then arrested at electric forest. I took up 24 oz cans of busch to off set the extreme amount of weed I suddenly could not afford to smoke. Once things got better I was drinking and smoking a lot. I went from cheap beer and tiny joints back to fat joints. Only with stout for breakfast and mead for lunch and dinner. (for the record, the quality of weed I grew in this time went down, I'm a lazy drunk)

I have a hoard of the things I love. (alcohol and tobacco are not on that list)
I would love suggestions! I'm in Canada though, that might change my options :P

EDIT: I know what you mean by body anger, I don't smoke enough to have any real tobacco tolerance so sometimes I'll get nauseous. I'm always enjoying it so I just want to smoke it down as much as I can, and for a full cigar that's a lot for a small, sensitive, person like me haha They're soooo good though, nothing like sitting outside in the sun just taking it all in.
Try the Ashton line. Nice easy smokes. The Virgin Sun and Cabinet are a bit more robust but still mild smokes.
For me it's more that my throat and bronchial passages get inflamed and I wake up the next day feeling like I slept with a rock on my chest. I haven't had a smoke in ages because of that :(