This may sound crazy but I remember I was able to get blazed off a bud the size of a tic tac. I could smoke way more but it was always the same result. I have bad anxiety because of my depression. I used to drink and that made my anxiety melt away. I was an alcoholic for about two years. I prefer drinking over smoking. I like that liquid courage. Anyway I decided to quit everything and have been clean and sober for over close to 3 years now (including smoking cigarrettes, coffee, energy drinks, processed foods/junk foods, pornography). Ive never felt so better in my life. My depression mainly stems from physical injuries I sustained at my job and I cant even stand for about 2 hours, which almost every job around here requires, I also have a back problem. I will tell you this though, I made rso about a year ago for someone who needed it. I had a syringe in a cookie jar and over the summer I think it built up pressure and when I checked on it the rsohad leaked out into the cookie jar. I took the syringe out and added hot water and scraped the corners with my fingers. I could see rso caked all over my nails and even deep inside the cracks. I then added alcohol to the jar and my fingers and cleaned it off. About thirty minutes later, I felt the pain from my feet and back going away. I started feeling warm all over. The closest thing I can relate to that is when I used to pop morphine pills. The green ones with the m on it. I had NO paranoia whatsoever. I dont want to try smoking the rso because maybe I think it was a fluke. I will say, Nothing I have tried like nsaids or muscle relaxers the doc has prescribed have helped like this experience with the rso this year I had. I am a firm believer in the medicinal benefits of cannabis. I have my personal opinion on cannabis in which it should only be used as a medicinal herb but thats just me. I see people who live off of social security who live with their parents and use their money to supply their habit with cannabis and dont have a job and thats what I think is wrong use of the herb. People smoking at concerts to enhance their experience or creative minds is wrong use of the herb. Again this is my opinion but Im getting off topic.