Haha, dxm made me pretty retarded I think I'm gonna stick with once a month, even though I normally do the leftovers the next day too.. because honestly.. Lol I did it four days in a row, and my stomach and brain did not agree.. I was just mega bored one day with absolutely nothing to do besides go on a walk in the freaking snow.. Which gets old pretty fast.. Lol, so I tried reading, I literally COULD NOT even finish a paragraph, I read the first sentence at least 6 or 7 times not even joking.. then onto the next sentence..
Or both! Nothing like a whippit or two or 10 on some lucy
I have never done whippits on lucy 0.o that must be insane! Do they even sell those things anymore? or would I be retarded to ask some dudes.. I mean I'm not too sure anyone around here is too savvy with any of the nitrus shit