i hate boys


Well-Known Member
so, over the last few days my lemon kush has deveoped preflowers i believe, and from what i can tell its a fucking boy :evil: and its less than a month old...

the pics are pretty poor quality, but there are little ball growths on the 3rd and 4th nodes. they are hanging downward on tiny little stems instead of sitting flush on the stem. if i not mistaken i read that female calyx usually does not hang down on a little stem, but sits flush...

and they just look like balls dammit:cry:

i hate to say im 100% sure of its male status, because thats usually when im proven wrong ( not that id mind being wrong this time), so if any can offer hope or advice, or just tell me to stop fucking obsessing, id appreciate it

oh, well, bagseed ftw :mrgreen::blsmoke:


closet grower

Well-Known Member
I'd love to tell you to stop fucking obsessing man... but I think you might be right this time... some better pics would be good and maybe let it mature a little more. Then you'll know for sure...


Well-Known Member
one time i alomst cut down a lil plant i was watching for a freind becuase i saw spade like preflowers and i didnt want it around my ladys, a week later when he came to get it...pistels were coming out of each one of the preflowers, so id wait before you cut it down man


Well-Known Member
give it a little more time to make sure, but if I am deciphering the image correctly through the lack of focus... It looks male to me.


Well-Known Member
yea, i forgot to mention that they are in clusters as well, lots of tiny little ball clusters fucking ruining my day =(

i tried everything i could to get a clear pic but its either clear and too far away or really blurry closer up...

i may let it go a little while longer just for shits and giggles, stupid question probably, but is it possible for it to pollinate any females while theyre in veg?

update, this is as good as i can get it....



Well-Known Member
looks like a boy to me. check the buttons or dials on your camera for a little macro button, usually looks like a flower. If you turn it on you can get better close ups. I don't know if your camera has it, but it's worth a shot.


Well-Known Member
Help. Ive been growing these Ice plants for 5 weeks now under a 400watt'er. There are 5 of them and some of them are beginning to develop these bud type things (the pics below explain better than i can). Can someone please help!! Are these male, female or to young to tell yet????





Well-Known Member
ok i found the flower button on my camera so these look better i think, sorry to beat a dead horse, i am now convinced its male but heres some pics just for the fuck of it...



Well-Known Member
ok i found the flower button on my camera so these look better i think, sorry to beat a dead horse, i am now convinced its male but heres some pics just for the fuck of it...

congrats its a boy :mrgreen: if you don't want him can I maybe have him?:twisted:


Well-Known Member
so i have disposed of the evil man plant =( but it got me thinking, that was the lone seed from a qp of lemon kush, it started preflowering at about 3 weeks old and then all of a sudden it was balls balls everywhere, while the other 3 i have from some decent regs seeds have yet to show one preflower...

so is early showing a function of good genetics?


Well-Known Member
so i have disposed of the evil man plant =( but it got me thinking, that was the lone seed from a qp of lemon kush, it started preflowering at about 3 weeks old and then all of a sudden it was balls balls everywhere, while the other 3 i have from some decent regs seeds have yet to show one preflower...

so is early showing a function of good genetics?
if your in veg and the plant preflowers early then yes, but to me if I have a plant that I dk what gender it is I keep veging it take it for clones and once the cloes root I fower a clone once its rooted to see what gender it is thus you don't have to flower the plant and find out its a female then put it back into veg so the clones will do the time for you