I hate cops


Well-Known Member
Wow just wow! this dude isnt serious, bro unless you want big bubba rubbing oil all over your bawdy in the pen then i would go take a nap, forget about your plan. When you wake up grow 20 plants or even 50 shit.


New Member
If the Aborigine drafted an I.Q. test, all of Western civilization would presumably flunk it. Common sense is not so common.


New Member
I'm thinking of only 80 plants. Would this make a difference people? I must have a prodigious quantity of mind; it takes me as much as a week sometimes to make it up.


New Member
My mother alway's taught me an apology is a good way to have the last word. But I do sincerely apoligize for my performace.


Well-Known Member
wow....really, i really can't believe this..

you still have not answered the question that has been asked a couple times before this..."what is your experiance growing"


New Member
I know If I grow indoor's I'm guaranteed a huge harvest; I just didn't want to spend the extra money on: lights, temp/co2/humidifier controller, circuit box ect... I'ts not hard to grow a plant im just a little lazy. I like the word "indolence." It makes my laziness seem classy. It's true hard work never killed anybody, but I figure, why take the chance?


New Member
wow....really, i really can't believe this..

you still have not answered the question that has been asked a couple times before this..."what is your experiance growing"
If experience was so important, we'd never have had anyone walk on the moon. Experience is the name everyone gives to his mistakes. Do you know the difference between education and experience? Education is when you read the fine print; experience is what you get when you don't.:-?


New Member
Ok people; I've decided to spend the extra $1000 or so to grow indoors. 80 plant's, 2lbs per plant equals 160 pounds. Standing Ovation! In the 1960s, people took acid to make the world weird. Now the world is weird, and people take Prozac to make it normal.


Active Member
hell yeah if your doin it why not do it big right? personaly im not a fan of prison so i wouldnt do it but . . . i can see 80 plants idk about 2 p's plant but maybe sog style 80 plants tucked ina room


Well-Known Member
i think ur one of the people on here talkin shit cuz thats the worst idea i ever heard if u wanted to do something like that u would have to go far into the country and put up a few of those deer cameras and see wuts going on in the area all the traffic and wut i did the first grow is made a map off the are and spead everything out


Well-Known Member
HAHAHAHAHA 2 lbs per plant.... who does this guy think he is.... I am just waiting for that copy paste bullshit that you are stealing from notable quotes.... your weak stop wasting peoples time and the forums hosting.....

ever heard this one.... treat others how you would like to be treated... that means be real with us and we will be real with you, right now your just the average highschooler that gets on here and wants some thumbs up on his latest and greatest plan....


Active Member
HAHAHAHAHA 2 lbs per plant.... who does this guy think he is.... I am just waiting for that copy paste bullshit that you are stealing from notable quotes.... your weak stop wasting peoples time and the forums hosting.....

ever heard this one.... treat others how you would like to be treated... that means be real with us and we will be real with you, right now your just the average highschooler that gets on here and wants some thumbs up on his latest and greatest plan....

come on don't you like thinking of stupid plans to make money, then get nabbed by the feds for having that much weed, and then go to fed prision take it up the butt, all on your first grow??? haha

good luck, if it was me i would do it outside on some vacent land seperate the crops. do like 20 plants per acre and then find another spot and plant 20 more


Well-Known Member
welllllll in all honesty me thinks you had better get to like the cops,me thinks you are going to be spending a lot of time in there company.
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