I hate George Lopez

I used to watch his sitcom with my girl. Then i watched it stoned one time and realized how annoying and fake the guy is. anyone have a similiar experiance where weed ruins something for you?
I went to one of his stand up shows back in 2006.........if I would have had my pistol with me I would have...

Shot myself in the head..............
Don't even know who he is :D All i know is i hate how spaniards pronounce lopez. Why would you intentionally speak your name in as camp a manner as possible? It's a Z Z Z Z Z Z Z, there are no t's and h's and f's or anything else to change the sound from anything but Z :lol: or at least as far as i'm concerened there isn't!
His comedy is for the simple minded and anyone with half a brain gets bored of it real quick.
Holy Shit this is such a coincidence, George Lopez just did his monologue last night on how much he hates Emo ,emotionally unstable, uppity white ass bitches. He says he hates people who dye their hair orange, and wake their boyfriends up to shower, when they know damn well no one wants to see that nasty shit. Also he says he hates bitches who don't do the dishes. And he said something about not liking when sluts smoke so much weed that they get depressed and want to off themselves. Small world huh.

nice infraction. :clap:
The fact that this thread was even started about watching him on TV proves that you watch it more than I do. You should do what I like to do...change the channel.

will you make me some food?
i love mexican food so much. i wish i knew how to make it

You didn't say the magic word, and I don't deliver