Man, Every Time i get a refill on my script this Douch Bag gives me dirty looks
He's always complaining about how i dont follow what the script says and that i "Eat my pills like Candy"?? FUCK THIS ASS HOLE
Does he suffer from chronic insomnia?? Its NONE of his bizz!! Btw i DO NOT abuse my meds! This guy must be like in his 70's and he gives me shit every time i come through to get my script filled.. Do Your Job and SHUT Your Mouth!
If my Doc wants me to take a certain dose who is this ass hole to contradict my doc?? Pharmicist dont go through NEARLY as much training as legitmate MD's do! I mean he seems cool at first,but then hes all like, " U just got this filled 2 weeks ago, what r u doing with this stuff?" Man, my insurance only COVERS 2 WEEKS WORTH U ASS NUTS! And the other pharmisist always looks straight OUT 2 Lunch when i come by. I mean he looks legitmatly HigH when ever i go there, Eyes r sunken in and Huge dark circles around his eyes. Obvious Opiate addict... Fuck this shit, im switching Pharmicies!!