I hate West OZ Summer 42Deg c/107 Deg f


Its summer here in Perth and its hot 42deg c today that around 107 Deg f and my grow room is way too hot and i have no idea how to cool my room down. Will a air con hurt my plants ?:fire::fire::fire::fire:


Well-Known Member
Heck no, I live in the southern us and I have to supplement with a/c in my room. I would duct your lights in and out as well.


Yes i got the lights ducted out the top of my box so i might put my portable aircon in there and see how that goes. So what sort of temps do u see in the south


Well-Known Member
we get a month of 90-100+ only a week or so 105+ I live in the northwest U.S. Ever see anything about seattle Wa. that's not the part of Wa. I live in.


Hell yes alot of good music comes from Seattle i think ? here in Perth W.A the temps all over the place we have 4-5 months that can range from say 28 to 45 Deg


when using an aircon, do you still use a strong exhaust ventilator or would that defeat the purpose, as it would be throwing outall that cool air....and sucking in or hot humid air...

how exactly to vent a growroom when using an aircon?

( here in coasalbrazil 105 F and 80% humidity.... )