Well-Known Member
The company I work for runs a bi-annual magazine and I'm normally really active in its production but my personal circumstances mean I've not been as involved this time around. The magazine is for service users, people who are, in many cases, on antidepressants or have addictions to various legal substances.
I asked my boss if I could write about medical cannabis and, considering we're not even really discussing legalisation in any form here in the UK yet, I think it's a massive sign of trust in me that he didn't think twice before saying yes BUT he has enough content already so I can only have 1000 words to squeeze it in.
I want to know what you lot think are the important points to cover, what most needs to be said? Obviously I have my own opinions and like to think I'm fairly well informed on the subject but I have no actual experience with legal so I'd like to hear from the people who do have legal access to medical, what works, what doesn't, where has it been done well or how are you being shafted? How can I convince people medical isn't a joke or just an excuse?
It's going to be a struggle to say everything I want to in a short piece so I need to stick to the things it's most important for people to hear. I will be explaining how THC, CBD and all cannabinoids and terpenes work together because I think too much emphasis has been put on "CBD is medicine, THC is for getting high" but I also want to touch on big business being allowed to monopolise the industry and how this affects the people who actually need medicine.
What do you think I can say in 1000 words to make people see how we're being had off being forced to take drugs that big pharma churns out when there's something so natural we could be using instead in so many cases? There is so much that needs to be covered and I just don't know where to start getting everything in. I guess I could just focus on cannabis' many benefits as a medicine and leave all the politics/business aspect for another article?
Please help me out guys, I only have the weekend to get it done!
I asked my boss if I could write about medical cannabis and, considering we're not even really discussing legalisation in any form here in the UK yet, I think it's a massive sign of trust in me that he didn't think twice before saying yes BUT he has enough content already so I can only have 1000 words to squeeze it in.
I want to know what you lot think are the important points to cover, what most needs to be said? Obviously I have my own opinions and like to think I'm fairly well informed on the subject but I have no actual experience with legal so I'd like to hear from the people who do have legal access to medical, what works, what doesn't, where has it been done well or how are you being shafted? How can I convince people medical isn't a joke or just an excuse?
It's going to be a struggle to say everything I want to in a short piece so I need to stick to the things it's most important for people to hear. I will be explaining how THC, CBD and all cannabinoids and terpenes work together because I think too much emphasis has been put on "CBD is medicine, THC is for getting high" but I also want to touch on big business being allowed to monopolise the industry and how this affects the people who actually need medicine.
What do you think I can say in 1000 words to make people see how we're being had off being forced to take drugs that big pharma churns out when there's something so natural we could be using instead in so many cases? There is so much that needs to be covered and I just don't know where to start getting everything in. I guess I could just focus on cannabis' many benefits as a medicine and leave all the politics/business aspect for another article?
Please help me out guys, I only have the weekend to get it done!