i have 3 plants. 1 not looking so pretty. help?


Active Member
I have a 3x3x6 tent with 3 northern lights. In fox farm soil. With co2.
Bout on the 3rd week or just beginning 4th. Temps are abou 82-89 with lights on.
2 of my plants look nice frosty buds gettin big. But one looks a lil stunted leaves turning light green on the edges while the insede of leabes are a dark green.
It seems ive had this prob before in hydro but never figured it out. I kno its not a nitrogen lockout. Maybe a calmag def. But im using tap water with the lucas formula ppm is usually at 1700. Ph is at 6.3- 6.5
Im using the same on all plants.
Why would thus one be effected?
Ill get a pic up when i get off work. Any ideas by discription?


Active Member
Thats what i thught in the beginning. im bouta post a pic. And yeakinda waterd it just phd water.

I just found out its starting to form seeds. Will this polinate my other girls? Or is it just producing seeds not poline?


it will pollenate them if you want n e chance of gettin that sweet sensimilia then get them asshole outta there haha wash down the room a bit just incase use gloves and a bag to dispose of the male immedeatly put it in a plastic bag carefully not to burst the pollen if its in its first stages you shold be fine just be careful just in case bro


Active Member
northern lights 2.jpgnorthen lights.jpg should i make anything with plant can i chop and dry and cure now? lol
i took it out of tent now. so i needa make a decision soon haha

first pic is a pollen sac i pulled off. there are many on the lower part of plant and also i pulled a seed outta bud.
i looked over the other 2 reall good. couldnt see anything. hopefully they are ok.