I have a 100 Francs coin..


Well-Known Member
How much is this worth USD?

it's 1954, and silver. I looked online but didnt have any luck. Anyone know anything about this currency? I know it's French.

tea tree

Well-Known Member

100 francs (~ €15.24) silver, rarely circulated (most often bought and offered as personal gifts, but rare in commercial transactions, this coin has now a higher value than its nominal price at the official conversion rate).

Sr. Verde

Probably worth more as a collectors coin than as currency

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Only thing i found on ebay was a belgium 1954 silver 100 francs and they are going for 8-10$ I had some 1800 20 francs in gold and they are only worth around 200$ so getting 100$ doesn't seem likely.