I Have A BIG BIG PRoBleM!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Ok a couple weeks back me and my chick got in to a argument and the people from across the street called the cops me and my chick didnt even know so i had left so the cops wouldnt come i had just got some seeds and i had a jar wit some bomb purple dank i was gonna take them back to where i have my spot wit the ladies but instead i stoped at a homies down the street to blaze one up we were chillin then i realize i did not have my phone i left it in the car to charge i told him hold up on that so i ran back to my car and i had took the jar with me so i can put it up while i was running i was already high i didnt even notice that the stupid assholes were up the street from where i was....not paying attention i dropped my weed in my seat grabed my phone and when i looked up i saw them fuckers i was not thinking to grab my weed again i locked my doors and ran back in the house to tell him to put that joint out looked at my phone my chick was blowin up my phone to tell me that someone called the cops well i watched them thru the crack ot the door as they pulled up my friend lit a cig i had walked outside and they areseted me and they searched my car and found my seeds i had alot of them like 6snowland 5dark devil, 3black kream, 3la chocolat, 3redpoision, 4 purple la, 3emdog, 6la affie and some of the freeones i had just got emdog and la affie but anyways they found the seeds and weed so the went up the block so they could give my chick my keys car and since the found the seeds they went to my house and the scared my chick to consent to search the house they searched and the found 1 plant i dont have anything there but bell peppers cucumbers pumpkins and watermelons plants and on top of that they did not find the plant on my property my chick mom threw it in the dumpster they had seen the trail of from the pot on the porch to the dumster and the cop got her for tampering wit evidence i got a spot with like 8 plants what should i do get rid of them they are got good size buds on them they are also auto i have 4 photos what i am veging at the same spot i dont want them to kick door or anything cause i got thousands and thousand worth of equipment i have a blackdog 3 prosource led fans co2 meters everything and i dont wanna lose it but also i got ladies bout to be ready here soon i say aug 22 would be about that time on a couple of them and first of sept on the others then the photos i can give to my cousin i just dont wanna lose none of it weed or equipment do u think there watching me what should i do also i bail out of jail this happened about 2pm i didnt get out til 3am i dont work i just got laid off from budwieser my chick dont work she goes to shcool my kids stay here wit me when she goes to school everyday would the cop think something cause we both have iphone i got big tvs my car is not the best and i had 200 dollars on me when i got arested they asked if i grew i told them no i collected the seed i live in texas and they are assholes here can some one help steer me down the right road
medicate with concerta for a week then resume!


Well-Known Member
I can tell you this... The OP's post is false.

Who the FUCK has ever gotten to keep their car after the cops found drugs and made an arrest??? NOT ME!
They would have impounded the vehicle and NOT given the keys back. RIGHT?
States That Have Decriminalized The following states have passed laws decriminalizing marijuana. Typically, decriminalization means no prison time or criminal record for first-time possession of a small amount for personal consumption. The conduct is treated like a minor traffic violation.

Do you see texas on there?
actually the way the law is written is by the discretion of the arresting officer all amounts under 1/4 lb in the county you reside you can be issued a ticket and released


Well-Known Member
actually the way the law is written is by the discretion of the arresting officer all amounts under 1/4 lb in the county you reside you can be issued a ticket and released
in texas? wow. that's not how it is in ANY state I have ever lived in..(NY, VT, MA, RI, SC).... You get pulled over outside your house with drugs, before decriminalization you will lose you car.. I've had plenty of cars impounded for just seeds and stems IN RHODE ISLAND.. charges dropped but $150 impound fee.


Well-Known Member
not all cops do this most are dicks and just want the arrest but when you're on bolivar island Aka the ZOO
or at kappa beach party or mardi gras they're more worried about drunks then stoners for the most part
stoners kill hamburgers drunk drivers kill who ever is unlucky enough to be in the way

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Only,,,,,,,,,,,,,getting,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,every,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,third,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,word.......Maybe less.

Lets see.
Fight so others hear??? - First sign of apocalypse.
Girl AND him have Crapple phones??? - Second sign
He has kids???? - Time to build that survivalist castle!!!!

Sell big tv's, crapple phones, car and girl......Invest in new girl with big T's. Feed her your organic fert, and study your "gusinta's".........Return to night school and study english!!!!

Don't bother looking for a new job in the security field.
Don't go back to Budweiser as a product tester.

Only water if the media is dry 1 inch down, and quit using Advanced Nutrients!


Active Member
I think the moral is. A street smart level headed intelligent happy secure women is not only sexy as fuck but essential if in a relationship whilst cultivating high value illegal crop. A scorned insecure jaded woman will fuck you up everytime.