I have a HUGE concern


Well-Known Member
Today i smoked 2 blunts. About 20-25 min later i stand up to go to the bathroom, on my way i black out and pass out. Why??
Kinda scared me.


Well-Known Member
It wasnt because i got up too fast. I had been walking around before. I just started to feel weird, it was like a different high than i normally get, then all of a sudden im waking up on the floor. I remember my vision getting blurry than my hearing go out and i heard ringing in my ears before i passed out.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Sounds like the blood rushed from your head or something. That has happend to me may times. Got up, walked around and then wham, going dizzy and feeling really wierd. I have to hold on to something to avoid falling down. :wall:


New Member
Me too. I think its got to do with your blood pressure dropping too fast or maybe 'cause your smokin' some good $hit. :mrgreen:
Sounds like the blood rushed from your head or something. That has happend to me may times. Got up, walked around and then wham, going dizzy and feeling really wierd. I have to hold on to something to avoid falling down. :wall:


Well-Known Member
done it several times. i bet money you were ready to go when you came back too. the first time scared me but i have done it 4 times total. kinda gives you a drastic bump in tollerance too. i just go to sleep after i pass out its normally the only thing that can stop the spinning


Well-Known Member
marijuana lowers your blood pressuer and blood sugar. that's why you passed out. and you were probably sitting down for a while smoking, and then got up all of a sudden and got a head rush.


Well-Known Member
Are you diabetic or does it run in your family? I have done it a few times also. Once the shit was laced and the fucker did not tell me, just let me keep smoking it. If its just an occasional(once a year or longer) thing, prolly nothing to worry about. But more often you might want to see a doc.


Active Member
happens to me alot it happened when i was really dehydratednd i once passed out in a taco bells bathroom and started shaking uncontrollably im not a diabetic or anything but it sometimes makes me worry my doc said that it makes my normally low blood pressure soar when i stand up