i have a prblem


Well-Known Member
im growing 5 plants in ffof soil ph between 6.3 6.6 room temp usally 79 83 heres some pics062312181754.jpg062312181809.jpg062312181834.jpg062312181921.jpg062312181949.jpg062212172222.jpgthe second last pic is the iner leafs of the biggest 1 also i start giving my plants quater strenght ff grow big


Well-Known Member
looks like a little heat stress and you can also start feeding them with a whole line you want to make sure your giving trace elements as well as just supplying the nitrogen...what lights are you using??...werent you just looking for a place to get seeds?? so where did you get these from?


Well-Known Member
thanks for replying these are bagseed a friend had around the house the oldest is around a month my seeds wont arive for another 5 days or so so i was going th fool around with these so i dont fuck up my new ones when they get here was also thinking or lst the bigest one good idea or no


Well-Known Member
try to keep the temps down if your going to use an hid you will def have heat issues in flowering for now make sure you have a fan and keep the ac on if you can lol...and some type of training is a good idea...lst is easy and when done right makes a nice even canopy

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
keep feeding them the foxfarms grow big, but only every other watering. if they dont green up a little raise the dosage to 1/2 str solution. but still only every other watering. FF GrowBig has all the trace elements, and plenty of everything your plants crave. if you cluster them all in a tight group under that big bulb, and array the smaller lights around with reflective white walls or mylar they will all grow better. otherwise they look healthy.


Well-Known Member
hmm im unfamiliar with grow big but i had just assumed it was a high n fert without trace elements in it...i personally hit mine once a week if you go with every other watering depending on heat and pot size that could wind up being every 3 days could be only every other week....so i just stick to about once a week but thats just how i like to do it..


Well-Known Member
finally one who admits it .. most Ppl denied to even have a problem ..

plants look good ..


Well-Known Member
imo you either have a phosphorus def or hit those leaves with the growbig solution while feeding and burnt them OR its heat stress as i thought from the start, its your set up so i can point you in the right direction but only you know if ya it feels real hot in their or no you never accidentally poured nutes on that leaf or whatever....anyone else wanna confirm??


yeah, quite possible nute splash.... also, might think about lower your ph to around 5.8. I have better results here when in dirt!

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
hmm im unfamiliar with grow big but i had just assumed it was a high n fert without trace elements in it...i personally hit mine once a week if you go with every other watering depending on heat and pot size that could wind up being every 3 days could be only every other week....so i just stick to about once a week but thats just how i like to do it..
Fox Farms GrowBig is a 6-4-4 naturally derived liquid fertilizer with all the trace elements. it's pretty effective. i use it in my hydroponic DWC's (i use the soil variety, cuz i got the wrong one! herp a derp!) but its working just fine despite being intended for soil applications. it's prety much all my plants receive except light and water, and a fat bump of big bloom and flowering nutes now that im flowering..

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
update from this morning biggest plant is geting worseView attachment 2225812View attachment 2225813couple of the leafs now like second pic
Increasing the nutrient levels doesnt cure problems weeks in the making over night, give them time and patient care and they will grow just fine. the yellow stripes could be heat damage from high temps with high humidity, i got a little of that while i was out of town and my exhaust fan stopped working. temps were around 108 with a RH of 70-80% for a couple days. my shit was droopy as fuck when i installed a new fan system and cooled them down. after a few days they bounced back but the yellow streaks remain forever.

keep feeding lightly, and try to keep the heat and humidity both low, temps in the mid 70's are perfect, and RH around 50 at the 70's and around 40 in the 80's and 90's is the best you can hope for unless you wanna use an air conditioner which brings it's own problems

minor damage on lower leaves isnt panic time, the plant is more than willing to sacrifice lower leaves to protect upper growth. if you see dmage on upper growth or the growing tips then you got a problem. youre doin fine.

as far as splashing the leafs, if you used a 1/2 str solution of fox farms grow big you could spray it on the leaves without hurting them, the shit is mild. most likely the plant had already decided to shed those lower leaves for the good of the whole. watch close, and observe her overall health, not individual leaves.