i have a question can anyone help

They don't need a ton of light right now. Use some cfl's or a small led panel for your clones. Once they have developed roots and are ready to eat, you can kick the HIDs on. GL
dude man fuck... use Google it will answer every question you could ask. but a single 13w cfl wud get em rooted as well as a 300w cfl would. but if the clones arent rooted they dont need much light at all or it could make them photosynthesis instead of growing roots. if you use cfl keep them alot further than you would a rooted plant. if this helps u like the post.
Grab one or two 18" flouro tubes from walmart or homedepot.$20 bucks or so they even come with lil hangers. Keep em close
I have a clear plastic top on my cloning domes which sit 3 feet below a 75W bulb that runs 24/0. Keep a spray bottle next to your clones and mist the leaves 2-4 times a day. Works for me.

Good luck, BigSteve.