I Have a Serious Problem


Well-Known Member
yep, fake a major catastrophe works. depending on desperation, u could rent a uhaul truck, a storage unti and buy a couple buckets of ona. drastic, but like i said. how desperate are u?
dude, i just have 6 plants and one 600 watter lmao totally not worth all that. now if it were a bigger operation i might be willing to do somethin like that.

if you're gonna have a light in the shed' one option is to use a cfl bulb attached to an extension cord if theres no outlet in the shed. You can get a socket that plugs right into the cord for about a buck at walmart' instant light.
Its not a shed, its a small storage closet thats outside on my apartment back porch lol its really quit shitty but maybe my only option. Theres already a normal light bulb in there. you think it would be better to have that little light on with no air circualtion in the middle of the semi hot day? i would think temps might get high and they would be worst off?


Well-Known Member
Try to cover up the smell with Ona Gel, I use it and its basically a jar filled with gel that releases fumes absorbing the smell, leaving almost no suspicious "cover" smell in the room. Im not sure if ton of them would be able to hide the smell of the plants if you left them inside, but should buy you some time to leave them inside as long as possible, moving them out couple of hours before the visitors come. Lock the plants in their grow room and plug the door cracks with moist towels, if of course leaving the room locked and unavailable to the visitors is possible. Throw some candles in as well, maybe an overkill of smell covering products might just do it :D.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Just a little observation but if your gonna put a light in with them ( which i feel isn't necsry ) make sure people cant see the cord cause they'll wonder why and the hell there is electric goin to a dumpy shed type thing. Good luck


Active Member
yup good luck bro, I once had to hide like 30 full size plants in a minivan, don't ask how i did it cause i have no clue
I'd love to see a picture of that shit! I'm assuming the windows were tinted?

In the shed might be okay. You might want to water them while they are out there at least. But who knows, the darkness and cold might stress them out enough to make them push out more resin! Worst case scenario, they end up with bugs or something. Most likely you'll have a bit of shock and droop, but night temps don't seem too low to cause too much issue. You might even end up with some purpling out of it.

Good luck! :peace:


Well-Known Member
I'd love to see a picture of that shit! I'm assuming the windows were tinted?

In the shed might be okay. You might want to water them while they are out there at least. But who knows, the darkness and cold might stress them out enough to make them push out more resin! Worst case scenario, they end up with bugs or something. Most likely you'll have a bit of shock and droop, but night temps don't seem too low to cause too much issue. You might even end up with some purpling out of it.

Good luck! :peace:

I had to pin sheets up all around the windows, I was renting a house and it went up for sale and they had to come take pics of the place...fuckin sucked donkey dick


Well-Known Member
today i plan to finish up all the cleaning. Ill be moving them in the storage closet tomorrow night, eeeeek!


Well-Known Member
Is it 2 or 3 days? 2 should be ok. Buy a couple boxes of good quality incence and burn them regularly thru the 2 days. Lock the plants up properly as people wander around. And for fucks sake dont burn candles and leave them unattended ,its how most house fires start and that would impress the rellies.