i have amber trichomes but my leaves never turned yellow. is this bad?

Actually I don't like edibles or eating weed. Hits me too hard and I can't control them like I can by smoking a hit at a time where I can stop when I want. With edibles once you eat it you have to let it run it's course. But maybe a little bit of fresh bud in a salad roll. But weed doesn't taste good to me. It's not like some tasty Thai basil and mint in a salad roll.
My next thing is gonna be making chocolates...

Thanks to having a rosin press available (@RadicalRoss) I can do my own solvent free concentrates and do deserts with that so little to no flavor added. Should also be easier to figure out the dosing (just lab test the rosin and do the math from there)
My next thing is gonna be making chocolates...

Thanks to having a rosin press available (@RadicalRoss) I can do my own solvent free concentrates and do deserts with that so little to no flavor added. Should also be easier to figure out the dosing (just lab test the rosin and do the math from there)

I wonder if this would be a good use for the second press rosin... It smokes fine in a pinch but I bet it wouldn't taste as funky in edibles.
Very pretty, what are you doing for soil/nutrients? Got any trich shots/know about how long they have left?
i dont have trich shots and they will be ready any day now, just starting to turn. i used soil from a local farm, and used general hydroponics series nutes. i also used molasses thie last couple weeks. but i dont water everyday either. in my yard everything seems to stay pretty moist this time of year. i dont wanna cause root rot so i water every couple days
You get that everywhere.... IRL "I heard this politician did x" or "did you hear this new study saying that eating x is gonna make you thinner" ...... it's all about looking into the source of the info....

You'll see a lot of people make the same recommendation I'm about to (I've seen @xtsho post this basic thing in the organic forums)... for a lot of basic plant knowledge you're better off learning about techniques/concepts from outside the cannabis sites. A lot of very specific knowledge here but because cannabis growing was/is illegal a lot of weird broscience crap got introduced (and weird nonsense terms)...

i.e.: clone = vegetative cutting, "cola" = apical (terminal) bud

Nutrient wise (and a lot of technique wise), tomatoes are the closest plant that has actual real studies done on it.
i agree, i recently bought books on soil and gardening, they had nothing to do with cannabis, for the same reason you are stating. growing cannabis has opened my eyes to a new world also, now i wanna learn to grow flowers, food etc...
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This is old sales 101.

Perception of a product being good is more important than the product being as good as the Perception.

It falls into almost every tier of life.

1ST 3 months of a relationship people act differently then they truly are. Perception trick.

Interview for a new job? You sell the Perception that you are the right one. Bad hires for good interviews happen all the time.

Start a new job? Best behavior at 1st when in all honesty it won't last. But selling the Perception that you are on it backs off the higher ups.

Perception sells. Sadly it has to because people are to fucking lazy to do shit the right way.
i whole hearted believe this