i have an infestation of piss ants!!!!


i mixxed 1 tbs of molasses with 1 gallon of water and now i have a million piss ants in my dirt.
my lady is in a 5 gallon bucket with scotts professional potting soil [no nutes] and i mixxed in a bit of
cow manure with the dirt. what can i do to get rid of these damn ants????

i have tryed watering again with my chemical nutes to see if that helped [which it didnt] so i dnt know what to do...


Well-Known Member
lol any food products you put into your soil is going to attract ants and other bugs. lucky for you they are probably one of the easier things to get rid of. plenty of people make plant, animal, and human safe ant killers


Well-Known Member
Buy borax ant traps.. It sugar waterwith borax. They eat it and take to nest to feed the young. Then croak. They are cheap but takes a bit. If they start eating it..don't kill em. Let them feed and wreck their nest. You can make it too. Google.


Well-Known Member
Throw down some diatomaceous Earth mixed with the hottest chili powder you can find...the ants don't like it...


Well-Known Member
DE on the floor will keep em away from the plants. When wet it makes a mess BTW.


New Member
dish soap kills them instantly but dont use too much on your plant cause it will kill your plant too. get that terro liquid stuff, there food mixed with poison and they bring it back to the nest. then put a bunch of it on pieces of cardboard around your grow. it gets solid after a few days so you may have to reapply. you can also spray raid around the area of your room but never spray it on your plant or in the soil going to your plant.

understand how the enemy works. ants produce pheromones. its a chemical that we cant see but has smell to other ants. they use it as a way of communicating. also ants leave trails of pheromones everywhere they go so they cant find there way back and tell other ants where to go. a ranger ant goes off in search of food. it finds your molasses and is happy as fuck. he graps up as much as he can and on his way back to the nest he leaves a trail of pheromones. all other ants in the nest now know where to go for food. clean the area around real good to disrupt the pheromones. if you remove the pheromones, they will have to find the molasses all over again. but its not hard for them. the thing with raid is it leaves an oily residue for about a week or so. the ants hate it and cant leave there pheromones in it. just dont spray it too close to your plant. you dont want to be smoking that shit. i would normally never even recommend raid but ants can be a bitch.

also i actually dont use molasses anyone. it gets too sticky in the soil. one time 2 weeks before i harvested a plant i flushed it with 20+ gallons of water and the run off was still discolored. only 5 gal pots. people say it helps sweeten buds and that may be true, but so do other products that have carbs and work just as good if not better. i used advanced nutrients over drive and it worked great. its both a hardener and flavor enhancer. otherwise now i just use botanicare sweet raw.


Well-Known Member
Oddly enough my family has a joke about me getting a pet anteater...I want one hardcore...I want it in the house like a dog...a big ugly anteating dog.


Well-Known Member
dish soap kills them instantly but dont use too much on your plant cause it will kill your plant too. get that terro liquid stuff, there food mixed with poison and they bring it back to the nest. then put a bunch of it on pieces of cardboard around your grow. it gets solid after a few days so you may have to reapply. you can also spray raid around the area of your room but never spray it on your plant or in the soil going to your plant.

understand how the enemy works. ants produce pheromones. its a chemical that we cant see but has smell to other ants. they use it as a way of communicating. also ants leave trails of pheromones everywhere they go so they cant find there way back and tell other ants where to go. a ranger ant goes off in search of food. it finds your molasses and is happy as fuck. he graps up as much as he can and on his way back to the nest he leaves a trail of pheromones. all other ants in the nest now know where to go for food. clean the area around real good to disrupt the pheromones. if you remove the pheromones, they will have to find the molasses all over again. but its not hard for them. the thing with raid is it leaves an oily residue for about a week or so. the ants hate it and cant leave there pheromones in it. just dont spray it too close to your plant. you dont want to be smoking that shit. i would normally never even recommend raid but ants can be a bitch.

also i actually dont use molasses anyone. it gets too sticky in the soil. one time 2 weeks before i harvested a plant i flushed it with 20+ gallons of water and the run off was still discolored. only 5 gal pots. people say it helps sweeten buds and that may be true, but so do other products that have carbs and work just as good if not better. i used advanced nutrients over drive and it worked great. its both a hardener and flavor enhancer. otherwise now i just use botanicare sweet raw.
Terro is the shit for killing ants...they can't leave the stuff alone! til it kills them all. I love it. Ha ha ha...I love seeing all the ants running to it like num num num...I am always like yes! Yes! Yes! Drink up my pretties...drink up!


i will post some pics of my girl if you all would like. i have started a grow journal but i stopped updating bcuz i had to
end up getting rid of all of my plants [long story] but i ended up keeping 1 and its a bagseed plant.
she is 27 inches tall and about
17 inches wide but she is mostly naked except for the bud sites bcuz the guy i gave my plants to claims he knows how to grow but is a
bullshitter and had this plant in about 1 and a half gallons of backyard dirt which was compacted.
so now i am nursing her back to life
with good dirt and nutes [of course a lil TLC]. im in about the 2nd week of flowering and she is slowly lookin better but i burnt her a ll
with miricle grow my first feeding =( i also would like to know whether she is a indica or a sativa as well do u all think u can help?