I have been busted


Well-Known Member
lmao he was talking about shroom kits and hypodermic needles(Shroom Spores).
i don't think this guy is banging dope, and kids these days (i'd know)
are alot crazier. I got kicked out of my house when i was 17 and
I did a plethora of hard drugs including the dope, hes got the right
idea hes sticking to naturals. if hes still into when hes out his parents
house he'll make his own decisions. heh.. and how bout that punishment???!

1st Punishment - No More Computer Hahahahaha


Well-Known Member
damn why is every one bein such dicks it was like his seventh post he was new to riu and this is the welcome he gets apparently hes a newb but if a mentally challenged kid burns down the house u dont send him to jail he didnt know any better but it was dumb let him face the consequences on his own no need to make it any worse


New Member
damn why is every one bein such dicks it was like his seventh post he was new to riu and this is the welcome he gets apparently hes a newb but if a mentally challenged kid burns down the house u dont send him to jail he didnt know any better but it was dumb let him face the consequences on his own no need to make it any worse
True... at least he wasn't cooking crack or meth in his parents house. Shrooms are for burnt out hippies though.. i would just stick with the green.


Active Member
Shrooms are for burnt out hippies though.. i would just stick with the green.
i agree that the green is great, but shrooms can be alot of fun also, so as long as you dont abuse them by taking them too often or too large a dose. tripping every couple of weeks is alot, but a couple times a year with maybe a half eighth to 2.5 grams is a ton of fun. for those of you who havent tried them, if you think pot makes you have crazy trains of thought, its nothing compared to mushrooms.

in defense of our busted grower, mushrooms are grown by creating a cup shaped rice medium. the medium has a fungus in it,which grows and then dies. once this fungus has died, you use a hypodermic needle to inject the spores into the rice cake and the spores feed off of the dead fungus to grow into mind-bending mushrooms. the hardest thing about growing mushrooms is the sterilization. unlike with marijuana, when growing mushrooms you are creating an environment perfect for growing things you dont want to ingest, because the conditions for the mushrooms is something like 90% humidity and 80 degrees, which is perfect to grow all types of nasty micro-organisms. i have never done it but i have read about it. point being - the hypodermic needle was for the shrooms, not heroin.

but this is an marijuana growing forum, so enough on the mushrooms and i hope i provided a little insight into another realm of natural drug cultivation


Well-Known Member
except most people dont associate needles with growing shrooms. I would still be pissed if i found shrooms in my kids room... if i had a kid. and i wouldnt know, but i'd be pissed that my child even thought about growing shrooms at my home.

weed. i wouldnt care about depending on their age. but at least i'd be a little less angry about something like that.

shitty that he is new and this is his welcome, yes. true. but at the same time... its easy to not go pronouncing the mistakes you have made on a public forum where people are going to make assumptions. make rude remarks. laugh at you ect. thats what happens on forums from time to time.


Well-Known Member
except most people dont associate needles with growing shrooms. I would still be pissed if i found shrooms in my kids room... if i had a kid. and i wouldnt know, but i'd be pissed that my child even thought about growing shrooms at my home.

weed. i wouldnt care about depending on their age. but at least i'd be a little less angry about something like that.

shitty that he is new and this is his welcome, yes. true. but at the same time... its easy to not go pronouncing the mistakes you have made on a public forum where people are going to make assumptions. make rude remarks. laugh at you ect. thats what happens on forums from time to time.
your totally right.you can get charged with man slaughter for selling them i know that.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I know you probably have read/heard this many times but growing that many plants in your closet was not the best choice.

I live with my parents and I would never think about growing that many plants in my WALK IN closet.

I have thought about growing lowryder in a stealth pc box setup but that is it, I think you might have gone a little overboard.