You will probably have to spend some time vegging them in order to produce 5 fingered fans and 7's. You could see some 3's and even single bladed fans.had plants flowering for 4 weeks. took clones from them and they ended up cloning in only 5 days. some SICK rooots. does it mean they can now be mothers or could they still be stuck in FLOWERING and NOT VEG?
or once they root automatically VEG stage?
Not sure what you mean by 'alternating nodes'?maturity has shit to do with age in days... and alot to do with alternating nodes
an 3 foot vegging plant in hydro that is 3 weeks old is nowhere near as mature as say, a 12" plant that has been bonsai'd for 3 months.
if i was to clone, id take it from the 12".....