I have confused myself.. yet again.


Well-Known Member
HELP!! :|:wall:

I had a few kb seeds germinating. Well, two of them have cracked open
and both are showing their tap-roots.

My question is really a two-part question.

First part is.. once they show their tap-root... I "could" go ahead and
plant them into my grow medium.. correct?

(sorry im asking a noob question.. but I've been away from the whole "grow scene" for a while.)

Second part of the question is..

Once I have planted the beans that have sprouted their tap-roots into
my grow medium (soil)... can I go ahead and put them under lights?
and start my 18/6 veg schedule?


After I have planted the ones that have sprouted their tap-roots into the
soil... do I have to continue to give them darkness?

Thank you all for helping me in the past.. and I also need to give out an advanced 'Thank You' to those who help with this thread. Thanks :)

I sure hope that made sense... (and boy am I ever glad that I remember most of what I learned about growing. except this one little hurtle I have to get over. Which.. the hurtle being the two-part question I just asked.)



Well-Known Member
Plant them in the soil. Go put the containers under your light regimen. Watch them grow!(not literally)


Active Member
Yes you can put the cracked beans in soil. Wait for them to break the soil b4 you put the light on them. Depending on your light make sure that is a correct distance away so you dont burn your plants.


Well-Known Member
Hey, Once you plant your seed, keep it in the dark until it pokes out of the ground.Then once it sprouts, put it under light.You can start your 18/6 at that point or leave it under for 24/0 for a week or so first.
give me + rep if I helped you out.


Well-Known Member
Plant them in the soil. Go put the containers under your light regimen. Watch them grow!(not literally)

wat are u talkin about i watch my grow constantly i stand there ... and stand there............ and stand there..........................................and stand there :) lmao


Well-Known Member
edited on: November 4th, 2009 7:41pm

I need to rethink this... actually there were three replies total.

2 of you people tell me to leave them in the dark until they poke outa the top of the soil, then I can start putting
them under the lights to start vegging them.

Only one of you ppl say I can go ahead and start vegging them under my lights. (CFL lights is what I use).

So.... I guess I'm gonna have to go with the two people that say to go ahead and leave them in the dark until
they pop out of the top of the soil.. then start vegging them.

Or like I said before.. I could go ahead and put two of them in the dark and leave them there until they pop out of the top of the soil; and with the other two I have.. go ahead and start trying to veg them under my lights. In other words, go ahead and start their regime of 18/6 veg schedule.

What should I do.... Can someone please give me an answer... someone that can tell me that they are
100% sure of what I should do here??? eh?


Well-Known Member
When the seeds crack open and small taproot is visible plant the cracked seeds in preferred moisten medium 1/8"-1/4" deep. Place the containers with the seeds into a plastic bag to keep the humidity levels up keep in a warm area 78 f - 86 F. When sprouts break surface of soil
remove from bag; place under your grow lights.

I think that right there pretty much tells me what I needed to know.

So I gotta give +rep to those who told me to keep them in the dark until they break the soil. Oh! And thank you for helping me out with the advice.
