I have had no problems germinating in FFOF


New Member
First off like many new growers, before my first grow, I researched sooo many sites and boards for info on how to grow the biggest tastiest cannabis cup looking bud on my first try, possible but not probable.

One thing I have learned is personal experience is the only way to truly understand the plant. Don't get me wrong, without the info provided on boards, I would have probably failed miserbly.

Another thing I learned is that many posters repeat what they read and not what they know from personal experience, which then continues to spread like urban legend.

One mantra in particular is the - "Ocean forest is too hot for seedlings" , while this may true for some strains, I wouldn't know because I have never burned a seedling and I have germinated over 20 plants directly in FFOF, including Think Different, Bubbalicious, Northern Lights, and Vertigo, these are all autoflowering strains which supposedly are even more sensitive to overfeeding but again I have no problems there either, in fact I have fed the bubbalicious full strength nutes in bloom and they still probably could have took more.

The moral to the story, besides sharing my FFOF experiences, is when someone repeats a 'grow mantra', ask them "Do you speak from personal experience or are you just repeating what you have read" (maybe leave off the 'repeating what you read' part as to not sound condescending...board members can be a little sensitive..lol)

Stay determined, educated and continue growing as many plants as you can to gain experience and you will become a good grower. When it comes to research, use discernment and don't just accept what you read as whole truth, even from some experienced high + rep'd zillion posts growers, as I have noticed the egos on some these people are just over the top and they recite grow information as if it were canon, yet I have read them flip belief structures on grow techniques they once preached as gospel and now no longer stand by.

+1 rep for personal experience!
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One mantra in particular is the - "Ocean forest is too hot for seedlings" , while this may true for some strains, I wouldn't know because I have never burned a seedling and I have germinated over 20 plants directly in FFOF,.... When it comes to research use discernment and don't just accept what you read as whole truth even from some experienced + rep'd growers as I have noticed the egos on some these people are just over the top and they recite grow information like gospel, yet I have read them flip belief structures on grow techniques they once preached as gospel yet no longer stand by. +1 rep for experience!

Yes.. for the past 10 years there have been many times I have also started plants directly in FFOF.
Despite myself also reading that it was "too hot" for seedlings and young clones.. I have yet to f*ck one up. They always take right off. I don't germinate seeds in the soil.. I germinate in papertowels or Jiffy Pucks... but then move immediately to FFOF.

Bravo on you finding what works for you.. and then coming back to the Internet and telling it to STFU..lol

You will read lots of valuable information and there is a wealth and treasure trove of knowledge on these forums. But also there are plenty of inaccuracies and posts made on assumptions.. things that are misleading.. things that are incorrect... we have to wade through it all and sort it the best we can and try to apply what we think is correct and practical to each situation one topic, one thread at a time.

Glad the Ocean Forest is working out for you though. It sure is easy. With seeds, I like to start in a Jiffy Peat Puck and just plant that directly in FFOF and watch them take off.
Thanks for your input MonsterDrank, hopefully new growers will find this and use it to reconsider some of the information that permeates these boards...

Regarding germination, I chose the direct to soil method because I read it on the boards, lol.....Luckily, I have had 100% success rate. All my soil grows have been direct to soil and sprouted within 4 days 5 at the most. I used gro-dan cubes for my DWC set up, (I am trying hydro for the first time) and they worked great, 100% germination as well under a humidity dome and then into the bucket.
Jiffy plugs into roots organic cut with cyco expanded clay pebbles with a layer of clay pebbles on the bottom for drainage. I usually roll the outside of the jiffy in xtreme mycos before putting it into my roots soil.
These people who talk about ffof being too hot are rookies and third grow pros ..... Glad youre smart enough to see the bullshit
Yup never had a problem germinating in it either. I just use an 8oz. Solo cup with ffof and perlite. Then straight into 5 gallons of more ffof. Of course, considering how much crap, bark, and extra stuff is in each bag I buy off ffof, I have
Switched to happy frog.
Yup never had a problem germinating in it either. I just use an 8oz. Solo cup with ffof and perlite. Then straight into 5 gallons of more ffof. Of course, considering how much crap, bark, and extra stuff is in each bag I buy off ffof, I have
Switched to happy frog.
I have used Ocean to start. Sure it works but there are nute finicky strains that don't agree with it as much. I run as -many as 9 strains at a time. One always complains. Lol. And there's no law that says you can't mix Ocean and Frog. I use both.
I started martian mean green which is sativa dominate and usually sativas are more picky but I put a semi germinated seed in and have had no problems... It looks great and I think having the little bit of nutes in helps get them up and going but I mix almost half perlite in also