mp3 player and external speakers with a rabbit in distress call or mouse squeak on a loop ,screw wire mesh over the top of a bucket with the player and speakers inside keep volume kinda low .... spot light with a red lens and a stag arms .223 is how ive handled around 20 coyotes this year ... i have about a 15 acre straight shot almost all the way around the house , i just set the bucket up on traffic spots along the tree lines , youd be surprised how far a red lens spot light will make them eyes glow , donkeys will kill coyotes didnt know if you knew that or not , i have free range guineas and turkeys they roost up high normally , and the good thing about the guineas is they have common nests that the hens will all take turns laying and sitting so a handful of birds will end up being 40 plus really quick but if you raise them up in a coop they will usually keep coming back every night until the hens sneak off to lay, we have alot of hog's here too , i use them to keep the deep freeze nice and stocked , snares are very effective with no baits , i use jump snares baited with corn 1/2 cup of diesel fuel on top of a bucket of corn and the piggies come running , also if you set the snares up on a post you can put diesel or old motor oil on the post and they will come rub it to kill mites and lice its a natural response so they dont have to be hungry even to get em , works well if they are corn shy and been trapped or hunted hard, dont know the laws on a mountain lion but , bobcats ill take the white belly skin off a rabbit and hang it on a stick out in the open and set foot holds around it and the bobcats will come flying out of the brush to get it and get caught .... i would assume a big cat would act like a smaller one