I have missed everyone on here and I just feel like rambling to catch back up...


Well-Known Member
He is chewing rawhide in that pic...

The lady we got him from said at first he was a husky pitbull mix...but I saw the Mom that was suppsoed to be a husky, and she was definitely not a full husky...more like a Malamute shepherd mix...and she had more than a few breeds in there...and beyond that once we got him they said the mom was the "husky" they had and the dad was a boxer (at first they said dad was pit)...so he is some lovely bit of randomness...you can't really tell in the pics but he has green eyes. He looks like a chocolate lab to me more than anything else. All I know is he sure is rascally...And attractive...but I think he is probably one of the most muttly dogs I have had. I am guessing he will be around 60 lbs or so...Maybe a little more, but not too much. He does have very large feet though. Who knows...


Well-Known Member
very kool. love new puppies, i want one really bad. hopefully sometime this year ill get one. holding out for a rotti.

sometimes moving is good. only bad if you lose a whole room for growing:(

good to have you on tho.


Well-Known Member
very kool. love new puppies, i want one really bad. hopefully sometime this year ill get one. holding out for a rotti.

sometimes moving is good. only bad if you lose a whole room for growing:(

good to have you on tho.
Well we did share a property with my husband's parents but they kept getting threatened with foreclosure, and then listed the place on a short sale, and lo and behold it sold...so we had a month to move...but we bought 4 acres and everything is going alright...I mean potentially with 4 acres I could also grow outside, but our whole property is a huge shadow...but there is a really large awesome building on the property that if we ever get power run to it would be awesome to put the plants in, but til then everything is the same. And that's fine by me.
My husband had just switched jobs when we found out we had to move, and that has screwed us. He is doing the same work for a different company, he made the switch because he was told he could make more money with this other company, but that is just not the case..not even close. He makes half as much as he did, or less..so we are foundering quick. That part sux...but I have faith in him that he will figure it out and we'll be alright.


Well-Known Member
You and me both. Lol. He was so slow and sleepy at 6 weeks...but he is full of energy now. I think he'll be a really good dog though. He's already housetrained...if only he would stop eating my bras, and the kids stuffed animals.


Well-Known Member
Well he humps the ones large enough to be humped and chews the eyes off of the rest...says a lot about his character I feel like.