I have no idea what is wrong with my plant, nutrient change then this, please help!


I am in urgent need of some help/expertise. I have a garden with everything in soilless mix, and one plant in a DWC bucket that is of a different geniology. I am using the same nutrients for both the soil and hydro, but am having issues with the DWC plant and could really use some input.

About two weeks before bloom the plant began having a little bit of discoloration but nothing I was too concerned about. After a flush, and the change to bloom nutrients the plant almost looks as if it is "drying up" and the leaves are mostly all curling inward. It has been in bloom for a little over a week now and I have yet to know whats going on with it. Everything else in the room looks healthy and amazing. I could really use some input as I am afraid I am going to lose this plant.

Any help is much appreciated; please help!



Well-Known Member
It's definitely an intake problem. Def check your roots. Do they smell like they're rotting? Are they white? Are they even hitting the water? You gotta hydrate that plant ASAP. Is your water clean and PHd? There's something wrong so check the flow of your system.