i have no idea whats going on.....someone help


Active Member
i feel like my plants have just stopped growing...

25 plants...

using a 1000 watt hps....my plants are a little less than 3 months old but they are only 20 inches tall...

they seem extremely short...

no signs of flowering....

li mean...how can i even tell if they are male or female?? ive looked up pictures online and i can clearly see the difference when looking at close up pics online...but when i look at my plants...none of them have that ball sac thingy. and i highly doubt i have 25 females...

so yea...

what gives?

shouldnt i see signs of flowering at 3 months?

why arent they growing anymore?

what did i do wrong?

Micheal Kelso

Well-Known Member
I would like to see pics if you have them.

Sounds like they are ready for 12/12 to me. You will get a "stretch" when you first switch them then they will level out again.

Also the temp will go down when the light isn't on as much.

Are the plants showing any stress - yellow leaves, spotting, cupping, or anything like that?

21 inches is kind of small but some strains are just squatty too, pictures would really help if you can get some.


Active Member
I would like to see pics if you have them.

Sounds like they are ready for 12/12 to me. You will get a "stretch" when you first switch them then they will level out again.

Also the temp will go down when the light isn't on as much.

Are the plants showing any stress - yellow leaves, spotting, cupping, or anything like that?

21 inches is kind of small but some strains are just squatty too, pictures would really help if you can get some.
yes there are some yellowing on the bottom leaves.....

and some yellow spots on some other leaves....

what does this mean?


Well-Known Member
You need pics. No one can help you without pics. Sorry bud. 21 inches is ok, some plants just don't get that tall. You also have to remember they may double or triple in height during flowering. I think it's definitely time to switch to 12/12. But first you need to fix any issues you're having.