i have some glass to give away

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Active Member
I have a strong sense that you were hoping for some humour along the way....

Me & my riding bros were out trying to slay a killer stone munchie after some serious medicinal treatments:weed:.... any way we pull into this wicked roadhouse grill to lay up some nachos ( What do you call cheese thats not yours? Nacho cheese... but I digress) and some buffalo wings. Any way, one of the assembled crowd starts a rant about how buffalo don' t have wings and we are just F'n with his head... Well then the fight is on... like how can you serve buffalo wings when they don't exist? well its like playing the Beatles records backwards... messages from Satan man... But they are from Buffalo the city not Bufflalo the animal you moron! NO Shit? Shit! Yeah, you friggin rocket scientist next thing you know you are gonna run home and split the atom in your F'n Basement, aren't ya... Ph'd in Friggin Rocket science and can't order munchies... Say What? Your so god damned special you get to wear the hockey helmet on the bus! So I tell him he probably flunked his urine test since he didn't even study. He asks what is a urine test? I tell him piss in bottle... he says shit in me hand and the fight is really on.. Next thing you know we are flop cocking around the floor like 2 seagulls fighting over the last damn anchoive. SNAP! Sickening sound followed by the tinkling sounds of shards of shattered pipes hitting the floor.

Well now were are fooked but good since we can't get any rollies and our glass is busted and if he can;t figure out Buffalo Wings I can hardly wait for the "Puff the Magic Dragon" :joint:talk...Some days when the Fuck up fairy visits she really has a sick sense of humour...


Well-Known Member
hmm im gong to switch it up.

There are several people that a writing you telling you why they want/diserve glass. I do not deserve a piece from you because we do not talk directly too each other very often,So i wouldnt consider us internet"Buddys" although i do like your personallity. I just double posted, Sorry about that. I dont offer much help on the site, as i do not like to give info i do not know to be 100% true. Im a fan of john mayer. i joind the site a few day befor my 17th birthday, but am now 18:o.


Active Member
Ok here we go. I made alot of mistakes as a teenager, and as such I stepped into adulthood unprepared. I am now 29, husband and father of 4 (3 kids and my dog). I dont make much money but I work two jobs, one as a gas station attendant and one as a board op for a local radio station. I am also going to school fulltime to get my degree in IT networking. I had a couple double blown glass spoons, one broke and the other was stolen. I would buy a new one but money is tight and I cant justify purchasing anything like that right now. I dont smoke just to get high, although that is a great benefit. I am narcoleptic and take ritalin to stay awake. After taking ritalin all day (4x) it is difficult for me to sleep and sleep aids make me feel like shit the next day. I smoke because after a few puffs of some good smoke I can relax and eventually sleep like a baby. I also just found out my dog, pepsi (2 years old) is developing glaucoma and I am going to start trying to treat her with MJ until I can afford to get her into a vet and possibly have surgery. This will happen around tax time. I would really like a new glass piece because I can take bigger hits and shotgun the smoke for my pup and hopefully relieve some of the pressure in her eye.

I didnt read the previous posts, but I am sure that there are some pretty deserving people out there, but if you have the ability to help me out it would be greatly appreciated.



Active Member
Heck, i'll get in on this. I'd love to own one of your pieces of work, i'd cherish it and use it often... haha
Btw, awesome thing you're doing here, shows Just what type of person you are, and the world would be alot better off if everyone could be as charitable as you.
Anyways, happy holidays everyone!


Well-Known Member
should send me some glass because you are the guy i've always wanted to be. also because im stuck in La. havin to grow in my closet and my desk!?! while your in cali growin mad bush monsters! not fair. its all cool tho cuz your givin glass for x-mas. merry christmas all!

it aint none of your business what im smokin for christmas!


stays relevant.
fdd, i already have a pipe from you but yesterday my lady was trying to clear a bowl... and she slammed the thing face down on the coffee table... after screaming at her for being rough with my favorite piece, I checked to see that there WAS NO DAMAGE. of course, we cannot be sure that next time she decides to be stupid my fdd pipe wont be broken, so... send me another piece! :lol:

free of course :x
or clear my $30 debt with you! :lol:


I like glass You like glass we both have a common interest. I think and now maybe you are thinking we should share that interest

Merry Christmas to all smokers and now im going to smoke a bowl for all of you!!!
Do u have any pics of the "glass" i like to sit at the computer when no one is home light a vanilla scented candle put on a little Back street boys and just relax and ogle over some nice smooth hard glass :hump:


Well, here are my 2 cents on why I should get some free glass: I just recently got my MMJ card due to chronic pain. I started growing my own medicine in the past few months and things are going well so far. 2 harvests and still going strong. Anyhow, I recently found that I have been diagnosed with fibrosis in my spine, and it may also be cancerous. I am awaiting the docs results. So, for x-mas, I think I've been through the ringer with all the bad news and I think I deserve some free glass. :joint:
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