I have the crabs, ( pubic lice ).

Gasoline and steel wool works.

I remember back in highschool, we had unisex gym classes.
We were sitting on the poolside as the teachers took attendance.

The woman gym teacher saw the girl next to me fully clothed.
"Liz, why aren't you going in the pool today? Are you having your period?"
Liz answered back, " no, I got the crabs".
The gym teacher moved on to the next student.
When i was in high school long ago, the most popular guy knocked up this ugly chic and denied it said she was a slut, her name was Jennifer, but every body started to call her crabs..Ive tried to feel bad about that but I just cant.
Forget about all of the bullshit that's been said. Go to the drug store and get a bottle of Rid X ,I'm almost certain that's what it's called. I had crabs one time and it was over 40 years ago,,( dating a girl who had alot of boyfriends) but the shit worked. After using the rid ex you need to run a comb through your pubic hair to get rid of the dead bodies. .