I have the seed sprouting...now what?


New Member
what kind of weed are you on man, I said the same thing in both quotes... you NEED an expensive light for flowering, you CAN cheap out on veg... that was and is still my point...and i was wrong on the nitro. you are an angry stoner. :) this is something I do for my benefit, not to flirt with strangers all over the country. :D man i gotta go pack another bowl...

edit: i was given my hps :D


New Member
Are lights expensive?

You know times are rough, I'd rather the bastards grow naturally. Shit never goes according to my plan so I will probably invest in some lighting for my buddies.
Ok so you just tried arguing with me in hopes of looking good in front of this girl for no reason. Your preaching about running cheap CFLs and you yourself are also using "expensive" bulbs such as the HPS..... Why would you use those lights?? CAUSE THEY FUCKING WORK!!! As for her being strapped for cash... i read that she said this. That is why i suggested T5s. Low cost to run, and you can use them from seed to flower. Not as good as HIDS, but a hell of a lot better than CFLs. All you did with those 3 posts were prove to everyone that my suspicions were correct... and you dont know what you're talking about!

Not to mention the setup your talking about, i dont think 99% of people would use. I dont know one person that would use CFLs over T5s... no matter how broke they were. T5s are not that much more, and dont cost much to run. So why would you be trying to get this girl bullshit results?? Cause you're using them?? THAT DOES NOT MAKE IT RIGHT!!!!

You are right about one thing only here... Freedom of choice... it is her choice... She can either spend the extra $75 bucks and get lights the cheap way... for about $125 bucks. Or go cheap and run your idiot setup that would cost less for the cfls, but more when she buys the HPS. That literally blows my mind that you're arguing about staying cheap.... and you're using a HPS.... You are such a fucktard! Stay in the Newb section! Do not spread your idiocracy to anyone else on this site. Bad enough you did it to one person.
I thought we were talking about cheap setups on this thread... I mean again, your vast knowledge is more than impressive, but I was following the topic...


New Member
Are lights expensive?

You know times are rough, I'd rather the bastards grow naturally. Shit never goes according to my plan so I will probably invest in some lighting for my buddies.
nah, i got 2-packs at walmart for like 8 bucks. the expensive light is the 400w that you need for flowering. it costs around 150, but it will bring you YEARS of joy!
plus i said this early on... dude you're an idiot. hahaha i mean i said newb tard shit, but you just lack normal common sense. LOL


Active Member
you NEED an expensive light for flowering, you CAN cheap out on veg... that was and is still my point...
UMMMM.... you're wrong again. VEGGING IS EQUALLY AS IMPORTANT AS FLOWERING. Thats where you build the foundation. You grow it to be full and tall and with as many bud forming sites as possible. IF YOU CHEAP OUT ON VEG YOUR HARVEST WILL NOT BE AS REWARDING!!! SAo keep telling your bullshit.... noone wants to hear it! You're passing on BAD advice to the people here to learn. Do this girl a favor and stop arguing everything and just let her learn the right way... not YOUR cheap way.

I dont know if you're angry cause your plants are not as nice as everyone elses or what... its probably your fucked up setup and even more fucked up thoughts on all of this. You can cheap out on veg... But seriously dont try and drag someone new down to your level. Everyone deserves to grow healthy fruitful plants, but it definately starts with KNOWLEDGE! Im done with you... good luck with your CFLs.


Active Member
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day 18 flower day 16 small veg (really terrible transplant, they are now growing again) day 24 big veg. This is good and inexpensive for my wife and I. The cost to run it is low and to get it goin is pretty low. kinda ghetto, but very effective! and frugal! :) peace

Ill give you this one... It looks like you have a very nice grow for CFLs! I do see alot of stretch in them though... Try replanting your girls down to the first round leaves when theyre about 2-3" tall and lowering your light next grow to stop the stretch! I apologize for calling you an idiot. Not that i think using CFLs is ok... but WEEDNUBLET is right... this site is honestly like my family and i wouldnt talk to them that way, and i shouldnt have talked to you that way.

Honestly, upgrade to T5s at the very least.... You're plants will get better light spectrum and grow fuller and healthier!! If you could grow plants like that with CFLs, imagine what you can do with a T5, or MH!!! You can get a light on craigslist.com for almost nothing! Type in T5, and check out the listings for aquariums, alot of people have T5s for thier coral and when they sell thier setup, that usually goes with it pretty cheap!

Last thing. If your using nutes. Since you're in soil, General Hydroponics makes a great nutrient that can be used for soil or hydro in thier Organic Line. GH is actually better for soil than hydro hahaha But they have a box for like $30.00 called the ""GO" BOX"! It comes with enough nutes to grow about 30 plants from seed to harvest! It comes with 9 or 10 different nutes from root boosters to veg food to flower food and Bud Booster! Its honestly really amazing!!! Check it out. I also wold recommend getting a cO2 tank... 20lb. and hang tubing above your plants... You have no idea how much that helps!! Good luck, and if you have any questions, please feel free to message me.. No more of me being a dick! Promise.


Ok so, I got my seeds to split open in a glass of water and I've planted them. Eventhough this is just an experiment I would really like to be successful. As of now, being that it is hot outside, I have my plants sitting in the kitchen window where they get warmth and ample sunlight. I would say about 6-8 hours a day of sunlight.

They seem to be growing perfectly fine right now but when winter comes should I get them some kind of lamp? What about fertilizer?

Like I said I'm a pot growing newbie. :joint:
If you are growing on a window ledge without lights you can expect the plant to flower pretty soon after veg at this time of year as the days are growing shorter..
problem is the bud will propably be light, fluffy and only good for making edibles. Have a look at some beginner grow guides before you decide on your lighting requirements

erowid is a good place to start: http://www.erowid.org/plants/cannabis/cannabis.shtml
There is a section dedicated to cultivation. Happy growing!


New Member
I also wold recommend getting a cO2 tank...
When I started I actually had some milk jugs with water yeast and sugar. :) There was 2 holes in lid, and I would shake it twice a day and let the air come out over plants. I even put the short end of bendy straw thru a water bottle lid and sealed it, so the long part extended out over seedlings and shook it and assumed gas came out over them :D Wasn't sure if it helped and it smelled funky, so I stopped.


Well-Known Member
No offense broski, but good luck getting 1-2oz from your plants running CFLs
One oz. using CFL's is VERY doable. I've done it on multiple strains. Due to my living situation I HAVE to use CFL's and after a couple noob runs, I honed my skill and don't have problems growing under minimal conditions. So sick of the hate for CFL's, it's quite annoying. I save money, don't stress the plants with heat and still impress my friends with quality dank. No luck needed.


New Member

I will admit it is a little work to raise and adjust and get lights right where you want them... I'm not too happy with this, I'm trying to think if this is optimal placement, but it is a great ammount of light for 190watts total...


Well-Known Member
Wow this thread got jacked quickly it seems.

For all who said T5's for seed/veg as an alternative to MH or HPS are on the button. I'm not knocking CFL's, I've used them. But I'll take 3, 4' T5 fixtures over a bunch of pig tails any day.

....how the kids Morgan?