I HAVE to leave the site


Well-Known Member
i''m glad to see you again!!!graf

the only rants that came about were due to people such as stonerville

who thinks Im quitting but obviously cant read.....

Im not leaving because I want to..... Im being "hawked" by my boss and hes taking away the computer here...... what a bitch

Im sure Ill still be really active in the next few days but at anytime, hes gonna take the comp w/o any warning, I cant help that so....

I guess Im sorry for my boss taking the computer..... if that makes sense to you..... (stonerville) well thats okay anyways.... you can sit on the sideline and make a dumb comment once a month, you could make a good name for yourself then!!

anyways, I love you all!! especially NGT!! since we became "ok"

SKH Ill never forget you man.... you argue like I do!!!

FDD You pointed me in the right directions.... even though u eloped w/ KP

KP newest member to piss off everyone by becoming so popular so goddamn fast!! lol

Mogie copy and paste queen, theres no better answer than a 3 page answer lol

wrldwildradio911 Im stealing your cloner idea... thanks lol

sk3tch3 my new good friend-- u have a lot of knowledge- use it well here and you can become something to talk about

Video- Iknow youre gonna see this so I just want to tell you I love you one more time- no matter what anyone else says... you are a very helpful person and you know that u are always welcome back here and Im sure others could vouch for that too!!!

I know that there are people I left out... If I did, you know that I appreciate everything that u did or said.... you are not forgotten...

and yes, Im going to be doing everything I can to come to the site as often as possible.... so I wont be that far away.. anyways... Im done :cry: now..

good luck to you all!!! GraF
If you love to argue........ PM me!!!


Well-Known Member
well I did take it the wrong way but Im okay now...

10 minutes ago there was 2 paragraphs of me screamin my head off... lol

but thats gone now.


Well-Known Member
and how the fuck did you get repped so much in 1 day???

youre teaching now?! damn, I missed out on something


Well-Known Member
graf stay or go bro w/e, but why is there 7 pages of this? you havent gone anywhere, so yes id agree with nongreen that this is kinda dragged out. here, an air hug for you :)


Well-Known Member
graf stay or go bro w/e, but why is there 7 pages of this? you havent gone anywhere, so yes id agree with nongreen that this is kinda dragged out. here, an air hug for you :)

sorry buddy, didnt ask for your opinion..... therefore, it doesnt exhist..... you lose.

do you know how to read?? look closely at the first page.... but you gotta be able to read though..

for all I care I wont post in this thread.... it means nothing now..

if people want to keep posting..... like yourself, the thread wont go away....
c'mon, use your head, dumbass. go ahead, post again, then ask why the thread is still here...

its amazing that you even know how to type, let alone grow weed


Well-Known Member
i got a 486 DX33 with 16 meg and 2.6 gig drive its got a monster 56k modem and win 95

ill take $1.50 and throw in a free copy of win98


Well-Known Member
oh yeah, here,

an air-dick in your mouth

love GraF

p.s. Im not dragging shit either.... 10% of the posts in here are mine... the other 90 is yours in general so, do some math or go back to 3rd grade........


Active Member
I could help him build it , shoot a bare bones thats internet ready would cost him about $350


Well-Known Member
Ill get my own computer people..... dont try to hard to worry about it.

"dude, just buy a......" STFU, Ill worry about it, goddamn..