I have to leave town for 4 days....

Personally I think it just adds another complication of having to harden them off if they get too used to the high humidity of the domes.
Each to there own, I have tried it both ways and without the dome, I have seen wilted seedlings and lost them, leave them for 2 days, temps a little high 28c, humidity drops and there dead in no time.

Most garden centers sell humidity domes and seedling trays inside.
Pot up the day before you leave.
Water in well.
Plants will not need water as they explore the new medium with their roots.
Hopefully that will give you time to source a better method for the future.
Beware of people that shit can your process but offer nothing as an alternative.
Also if you have air extraction you could try reducing this and just keep the air moving with fans.
Hope this helps.