i have to take a alcohol and subsrance abuse evaluation

I had to take one of these years ago after I got a DUI. They said the evaluation was to decide if I needed further treatment for any kind of substance abuse. I said "no" to every question involving any kind of drugs or weed and said that I had only drank alcohol a few times. I had just turned 21, so this was somewhat beliveable. After the "evaluation" was done I asked what they thought. They said I needed to enter their treatment program. I asked why and they said the fact that I had been arested for a DUI was enough proof that I had a problem. It didn't matter how I answered the questions. The place was a for-profit place that did the evaluation and had the substance abuse classes that I was supposed to pay for. It was a total scam.

I don't know why you are being asked to take one of these things, but I'm guessing you got caught with some kind of drugs and arrested, they will use that as reason enough to say you have a problem and try to get you in some kind of program.

my advice, don't admit to using anything, say whatever you got caught with was your friends. You don't want any records out there where you admit to anything.

These evaluations are a scam to make money for the company running them, there is no answer you can say that will get you out of some kind of follow-up classes or treatment program.
Well that sucks. Your situations sounds pretty similar to mine then, just don't tell them anything and get ready for them telling you to jump through some more hoops for them. It sucks but that's what happens when you get caught.

good luck!