I heard that weed with seeds is not good weed?

Weed with seeds has nothing to do with genetics per say. You truly want sensimillla which is unfertilized female flowers though. Once the flowers receive pollen they put effort into creating seeds and less thc to attract pollen. Germinate those and grow you some sensimillla!! Ditch the bananas!
Once the flowers receive pollen they put effort into creating seeds and less thc to attract pollen. Germinate those and grow you some sensimillla!! Ditch the bananas!

1) THC or the lack thereof does not "attract" pollen. In fact, the plants don't attract pollen at all. Pollen just floats around aimlessly. If it comes into contact with the proper areas of the female cannabis plant, pollination occurs

2) Pollinated cannabis plants produce regular seeds (male or female). To get feminized seeds, the pollen must be specifically from a female plant (artificially or naturally created)
I had some hermies that were some of the best shit I've had. Was a grape strain I started from some bag seed and it had a bunch of seeds in all 4 plants of it I grew.
Moved on from it after that batch, but it was just as good as anything else I grew.
You heard wrong. I'll take my seeded weed over the unseeded crispy fried, overfed crap I see in photos any day. Pick out the seeds, get baked, good times. Grow the seeds and do it again.
