I hope there's been worse!!


Blech 01.jpgBlech 02.jpg

I'm in recovery mode with these two plants (I hope). Nice necrosis, yea o_O

Poor plants. lol. I'm trying to learn. Half my problem right now is light. I'm trying to rectify that. I just got two 65 watt CFL grow bulbs. There's one above each plant, and a handful of smaller CFL's around.

I finally got Ph meters, and I think I got the right portioning of nutes (only as of this week lol). Because I'm new, I even got a soil dampness meter... just to be sure. I only water now when they're dry (I was over watering and under feeding).

Anyways, thought I'd share how they're doing at the hands of a noob


I'm thinking my best plan of action at this point would be, switch to 12/12 to see if any are females. Hopefully I get a female and can concentrate just on her. go back to vegging and getting things right.


Well-Known Member
Post bigger pics of stem nodes. #2 possibly is already indicating female. But leave them vegging until 6 weeks minimum, 8 weeks is better, and then just switch to 12/12. Much higher yield of better pot.


Active Member
you dont want to switch them to flower then revert back to veg. it puts alot of unneeded stress on the plants. and a happy plant makes a grower happy in the end. you would be much better to let them grow then take a cutting from each root them and the flower the cuttings. much less stressful. gl and hope everything works out for you.


Post bigger pics of stem nodes. #2 possibly is already indicating female. But leave them vegging until 6 weeks minimum, 8 weeks is better, and then just switch to 12/12. Much higher yield of better pot.
I tried to get clean shots but my camera is acting screwy with the focus. Hope one of these helps

node 01.jpgnode 02.jpgnode 03.jpgnode 04.jpgnode 05.jpg


Active Member
There is nothing showing sex on those plants. Relax, take a deep breath it is a plant and wants to grow. It is trying to tell you what it needs and to really listen to it what you need is research. As long as there is green you can have a viable plant and you are nowhere near that bad off. What is the medium you are using and have you feed them at all, how often are you watering/feeding and what is the ph level?


There is nothing showing sex on those plants. Relax, take a deep breath it is a plant and wants to grow. It is trying to tell you what it needs and to really listen to it what you need is research. As long as there is green you can have a viable plant and you are nowhere near that bad off. What is the medium you are using and have you feed them at all, how often are you watering/feeding and what is the ph level?
yea, I didn't think it was showing sex yet either... but if someone says they thought they saw signs of female, I'll post :D lol

my lower leaves are showing some heavy necrosis (dead spots on the leaves where it's turned a sandy brown) and I get a bit of yellowing. The new growth comes in nice and green, fans out into these nice dark green blades, then they start to that necrosis shit.

I was underfeeding and over watering up until about a week ago or so. I wasn't putting in enough of my nutes (Jack's Classic 20-20-20). I ramped the nutes up to 2 Tbsp after only using half a teaspoon to start (this is per gallon of water). I was afraid to burn the plant but ended up starving it. After 2 Tbsp, I noticed some yellowing on the blade edges indicating nute burn. So this next round of watering I'll cut to 1 1/2 Tbsp per gallon.

I also got an idiot indicator to know when to water lol. A Wetness meter. As of now, I only water when the soil at root depth reads dry. My Ph is a work in progress. My nute concoction is 5.8. However because of the peat moss I'm using, it alkalines slightly after watering and come to about 6.3-6.5. Next round I will adjust the solution to 5.3-5.5, and see where the peat moss brings that.

I've been wondering about something else too. I only water when the soil is dry, but I add the nutes every time. Should I skip the nutes every other water or every few waters? Or stick with them every time I water?

And as always, more lights are coming :D

Also, because of the underlighting, I was running 24/7 instead of 18/6. Could that have been adding to the plant's distress?

I'm NOT freaking out over here lol. I'm not one of those noobs who freaks out over every little thing my plant does. The reason I'm even growing these average seeds is to learn how to properly grow when I buy myself a real strain (though if I flower some good buds off these... hells to the yea).

I am wondering if my lower leaves get nectrotic because of lack of light?



Well, if I'm reading this chart right, and providing it's actually accurate... I possibly have a Magnesium deficiency?


Seriously, I've gone to a handful of sites to diagnose (with pics, descriptions etc). I'm getting anything from Mg deficiency to ozone damage, to nute burn!!!

I seriously don't have a clue what's up with my plant at this point. Conflicting diagnoses has my head spinning lol



Well-Known Member
Do you add calmag to your water? That should be enough if pH is good. If you are in a bigger city most have an online breakdown of their water.


Do you add calmag to your water? That should be enough if pH is good. If you are in a bigger city most have an online breakdown of their water.
I'm not sure what calmag is, but I don't use purified town water for my plants. There's a natural spring 2 miles up the road from me that runs year round. I add my nutes to that and check/adjust Ph accordingly