i just bought a 97 acura 2.2 cl with 271k miles on it

Lol, it is so funny, Americans and stick shift. Over here you very seldomly find someone who can't drive a manual.
If you have a licence to drive an automatic, you are not allowed to drive a manual. So, everybody just get manual licences or better yet, heavy vehicle licences as the test is easier.
If it ever intermittently doesn't start when it's hotter outside, then it's your main relay. They have a cracked solder in them, common problem. If you ever need any advice...I know Honda and Acura. But you have to stop being such a lefty dickhead troll first.
That fucking relay got me good. '92 accord if i remember correctly, I've owned a few. That shit fucking pissed me off! Some honda mechanic at a dealership told me what it was and what part to order after pressing him hard. The internet wasn't like it is now. Hard to find answers back then. That shit sucked! Always wouldn't turn over at the worst time.
I've helped out a few people over the years including my mom with that same problem. Saved them some money fixing it ourselves vs. getting raped by the mechanic.
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I recently acquired a 98 excel 4 speed for cheap. A friend needed to leave town. And said I could have the car if I paid the rego.
Needs a new injector or something. Took it to the mechanic to look over. Said 3rd cylinder sparks. But has no bang.

Don't really care. I'll get it fixed up. And it is far more road worthy than some of the lemons I've been sold. Body work is good. Interior is good. Just needs some love under the bonnet.
I recently acquired a 98 excel 4 speed for cheap. A friend needed to leave town. And said I could have the car if I paid the rego.
Needs a new injector or something. Took it to the mechanic to look over. Said 3rd cylinder sparks. But has no bang.

Don't really care. I'll get it fixed up. And it is far more road worthy than some of the lemons I've been sold. Body work is good. Interior is good. Just needs some love under the bonnet.
How much is the rego? ... and we had the excel here too. It was a singularly inapt name for a car with that Hyundai's talent for ... alternative function.
Just shy of $150 for 3 months rego.
I've had a few other cars thrice that. But, they've all been utter shite! Except for that one Suzuki 800 I owned. That's like the only other car that wasn't a bucket of snot.
I wish we had access in the States to some of your tiny turboDiesels. I'd drive a 70mpg shopping cart with leisurely pleasure. My only exposure to them has been reruns of Top Gear, a favorite show 'til Clarkson ruined it.
tiny 3cylinder old Suzuki is the shit!! That thing will plow through any snow, mud, gravel, crazy little car. Loved it. Fuckin jump with it. They don't make like this anymore for sure.
tiny 3cylinder old Suzuki is the shit!! That thing will plow through any snow, mud, gravel, crazy little car. Loved it. Fuckin jump with it. They don't make like this anymore for sure.
I wish I still had my 800. I got no need for anything bigger. Don't give a shit about doing skids, carrying lots of crap. Or its lack of people moving capacity. Though I did need to put the seat right back just to get behind the wheel. Otherwise my knees were up to my chin. Good little cars none the less. Simple engines. And you could just about run em off spare change.
Yeah I lamented no longer being able to have a 2 door daily after my daughter was born.
I still have a late 70s VW Beetle in the garage, with less than 30 miles on after rebuild. I'm weird that way.
I recently had to sell my BMW 525i, soon I will get me one of these though.
If it ever intermittently doesn't start when it's hotter outside, then it's your main relay. They have a cracked solder in them, common problem. If you ever need any advice...I know Honda and Acura. But you have to stop being such a lefty dickhead troll first.
