Drop That Sound
Well-Known Member
The new CGI moon missions should be interesting!
So you're doubting I'm a panda thenDon’t feed the monster. They’re fucking people out they’re that believe they are a bear and worship fucking fictional movie characters.
Well.. I would encourage them to review the number of ships that have fallen off the edge.... some people are so fucking stupid. Shaquille ..or however you spell his name even believes the earth is flat because he flew to AUS and did't see the curvature of the Earth.... dude, the Earth is a big place. Your'e not gonna see a globe at 36,000 ft. How does he think the days happen? He said that the Earth even isn't spinning because his lake water hasn't shifted.... we are spinning at 1000 mph, and it's been stable.... fuck this guy.Don’t feed the monster. They’re fucking people out they’re that believe they are a bear and worship fucking fictional movie characters.
Why is the sky blue?Somebody asked me one time "why dosen't the ocean water free float", ... ummm gravity, density, it's fucking science for christ's sake.
Because like grow lights, the sun has more of a blue spectrum when bounced off of the Earth, and it reflects off of the atmosphere like a mirror. 2/3rds of the Earth is Ocean.. so that may have something to do with it.Why is the sky blue?
Flat Earthers claim gravity 'ís fake' and that it is actually density and buoyancy. They also claim when objects fall in a vacuum, it is because the object is denser than nothing. When asked why it always falls towards Earth and not in any other direction, their answer is that stuff just goes down.But... if the earth was flat, and not spinning, why wouldn't we have the same weather and seasons every year? It tilts on it's axis every year creating winter, fall, summer and spring. The stupidity amongst these "flat Earthers" just blows my mind. Why do the days get shorter? Axis tilt from a spinning spherical Earth... case closed.
Fake. Shadows and reflections don't line up. Nice try.Several hobbyists and students have already photographed earths curve in homemade weather balloons with regular point and shoot cameras (non-fisheye) like this gu https://flic.kr/p/6rXHGe