I just can't

I have no doubt they may enhance even hide “things” but time date season orientation can all change image imo
Ive seen it i will say theres a possibility the clip is fake for whatever reason but we went there. I think since nasa’s inception atleast one astronaut would make the claim. And as I ssid why wouldn’t our comp call us out . Tracks footprints should still be there no? Also about the flat earth, if so how can we explain day/night and seasons and such ? If its flat and not spinning wouldn’t we share a common climate and day/ night in both hemispheres
No it's very simple. If you have a big circle and the sun moves around in a circle inside that circle. Moving closer to the middle for months then slowly moves away from the middle back towards the edge you get seasons. And if I was on top of a building a mile away from you and sparked my lighter you couldn't see it. Does that mean I didn't do it or that light only goes so far? Hence we would not all share day


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hey why don't you jump off a building for science....either you fly or u fall....welcome to gravity
You make my points for me, everyones always is on top of the ball at the same time lol. Why can't we put a camera on the moon to get a whole single picture of the earth? Or a telescope the could zoom in to the bottom edge of the earth or the side edges and show things sideways and upside down?

As far as other planets who knows, but i do know they are just cgi. Look at planets thru a Nixon 900 or 1000 . Not what nasa paints for you at all. Nasa admits they paint a image from data. U know the same people that faked the moon landings. They r trustworthy.

If you would just watch the info I shared you wouldn't have so many questions.
*presents picture taken from space

that's fake!!!
No it's very simple. If you have a big circle and the sun moves around in a circle inside that circle. Moving closer to the middle for months then slowly moves away from the middle back towards the edge you get seasons. And if I was on top of a building a mile away from you and sparked my lighter you couldn't see it. Does that mean I didn't do it or that light only goes so far? Hence we would not all share day
Why does the sun stay the same size?
It dosent in our sky.
Amazing. So I should be able to measure these differences and do some math and be able to find the distance to this object???? Amazing....try it out
Bro, of course this is all in fun. Im serious about what I beleive but I'm not here to attack anyone for their personal beleifs.. I really challenge you to watch this video and tell me the moon landing was not faked. It's very obvious. Let me find itbongsmilie

when I go to that site.. I see things like this.. under science we have

“Eco-friendly NFT’s” :lol:
Believe what you will... but this is in their SCIENCE SECTION!! NFT?? Seriously? When were they UN-friendly? Lol

I’m gonna smoke joint and just google “Rumble . Com” and I’m gonna see if they have anything on sugar free water & gluten free bubble hash. 1ADFF791-001F-45F1-B699-D0519197E2B2.jpeg
Phylogenetic Relations of Humans and African Apes from DNA Sequences in the ψη-Globin Region

"Sequences from the upstream and downstream flanking DNA regions of the ψη-globin locus in Pan troglodytes (common chimpanzee), Gorilla gorilla (gorilla), and Pongo pygmaeus (orangutan, the closest living relative to Homo, Pan, and Gorilla) provided further data for evaluating the phylogenetic relations of humans and African apes. These newly sequenced orthologs [an additional 4.9 kilobase pairs (kbp) for each species] were combined with published ψη-gene sequences and then compared to the same orthologous stretch (a continuous 7.1-kbp region) available for humans. Phylogenetic analysis of these nucleotide sequences by the parsimony method indicated (i) that human and chimpanzee are more closely related to each other than either is to gorilla and (ii) that the slowdown in the rate of sequence evolution evident in higher primates is especially pronounced in humans. These results indicate that features (for example, knuckle-walking) unique to African apes (but not to humans) are primitive and that even local molecular clocks should be applied with caution."
"One of the oldest activities carried out by humans has been identified in a cave in South Africa. A team of geologists and archaeologists found evidence that our ancestors were making fire and tools in the Wonderwerk Cave in the country’s Kalahari Desert some 1.8 million years ago."

Basic geometric and kinematic features of the Standard Cosmological Model

D. Nagirner,1 and S. Jorstad 1,2 1
Astronomy Department, St. Petersburg State University, Universitetskij Pr. 28, Petrodvorets, 198504 St. Petersburg, Russia 2 Boston University, 725 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, MA, 02215, USA
arXiv:1706.00895v1 [gr-qc] 3 Jun 2017

In this paper we calculate quantitative characteristics of basic geometric and kinematic properties of the Standard Cosmological Model (ΛCDM). Using equations of Friedman uniform cosmological models we derive equations characterizing a ΛCDM, which describes the most appropriate real universe. The equations take into account the effects of radiation and ultrarelativistic neutrinos. We show that the universe at very early and late stages can be described to sufficient accuracy by simple formulas. We derive moments when densities of gravitational components of the universe become equal, when they contribute equally to the gravitational force, when the accelerating expansion of space starts, and several others. The distance to the expanding spherical horizon and its acceleration are determined. Terms of the horizon, second inflation, and second horizon are explained. The remote future of the universe and the opportunity in principle of connection with extraterrestrial civilizations are discussed. 1

Let’s list the questions that reveal the essence of the model. What is equal the Hubble distance? At what distance from us is the horizon? What is the speed of expansion at the horizon? What is the rate of expansion of the horizon? What is the acceleration at the Hubble distance and on the horizon? When did acceleration start, at what redshift? What will happen to the universe in the distant future? What is the second inflation and second horizon? To what distances, in principle, can a signal reach extraterrestrial civilizations? From what distances will they be able to answer? This paper provides answers to the questions posed above and describes quantitative characteristics of the cosmological model, which is called Standard. Based on this model, the anisotropy of the relic radiation was quite accurately reproduced, and primary nucleosynthesis and formation of large-scale structure of the universe were calculated, as described in well-known monographs [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]. However, we do not touch on these and other physical problems of the history of the universe, limiting ourselves to geometric and kinematic studies of the Standard model. We begin with a brief exposition of the general theory of homogeneous cosmological models.


5 Conclusion
Therefore, our paper gives a quantitative description of geometric and kinematic properties of the model, which is now considered as the most adequate model of the existing universe.


So if the earth is flat, that means there is no molten iron core to create magnetic fields to protect us from the radiation from the sun. I wonder where the aurora borealis comes from then.

Satan put it there to test your faith.


Watch planes land at the airports. Runways prove airplanes actually come from within the earth. That's why the further planes are the lowest. The sky is actually inside the earth. Anyone who's been on a plane can tell you.

Do planes increase altitude to land? Yes, because they are crawling out of the inner earth!

Flat earthers will not go to a runway and see planes come out of the earthy. They prefer to tell their selves these are photos of planes taking off. It's that simple. Are these planes landing, or taking off? Easy mystery to solve with one trip to the airport. The planes crawl out of the flat ground before landing.
Satan put it there to test your faith.

View attachment 5146854

Watch planes land at the airports. Runways prove airplanes actually come from within the earth. That's why the further planes are the lowest. The sky is actually inside the earth. Anyone who's been on a plane can tell you.
View attachment 5146855

Do planes increase altitude to land? Yes, because they are crawling out of the inner earth!

Flat earthers will not go to a runway and see planes come out of the earthy. They prefer to tell their selves these are photos of planes taking off. It's that simple. Are these planes landing, or taking off? Easy mystery to solve with one trip to the airport. The planes crawl out of the flat ground before landing.
Is an optical illusion.