I just discovered these bugs on my plants! Please help...


What are these things and how do I get rid of them? They're really good at hiding. The second you get near them, they skootch to the the other side of the stem. They slide over really fast... I just sprayed them with organacide but they acted like it was rain. They could be dead now, but I just came back in to see if any insect experts can tell me what they are and if they're a danger to the plant? They are on the stems, not the flowering areas...

here's the best pics I could get... Any help would be greatly appreciated... I'm in Socal.. San Fernando Valley if that helps to tell what they are. They look like little moths or some sort of winged insect. No clue here....

1 more shot....



Well-Known Member
looks like a blur!sorry pics are harsh, need better focus to see the bug clearly. could be a good one hopefully, being one that eats mites and other bad pests. Need a better pic to get any idea.


Whatever it is doesn't appear to be a threat.........I wouldn't worry.

Just got better pics of a couple bugs I found on the plants. Some leaves have holes in them. This first bug I've seen eating another bug before. Not sure that means he doesn't eat leaves too?

This one I just saw walking around the leaves. Not sure if he's damaging things.

Anything to worry about?



Active Member
Just got better pics of a couple bugs I found on the plants. Some leaves have holes in them. This first bug I've seen eating another bug before. Not sure that means he doesn't eat leaves too?

This one I just saw walking around the leaves. Not sure if he's damaging things.

Anything to worry about?

i have that same fucking problem,bugs are putting holes in allmost all my goddamned leavs!those look gnarly though.best thing i would suggest is lady bugs,thats what i did and it slowed down the bugs eating it allot.go to a hydro store and ask them what they have,they usually have stuff you can mix with water and put in the soil or stuff you spray.

Fallen Buckshot

lady bugs hell... you better get some praying mantis on dat


Active Member
wouldent praying mantises eat the plant too?my friends plant got DESTROYED by grasshoppers;wont they do the same thing?


Well-Known Member
just spray them with some mild soapy water, if that wont get them ... then get some neem oil, its all natural. Spray when the sun is setting. We are all experienceing pest problems never faced before because everyone is growing all over (where once weed was only grown in certain areas of the world). Also I have read alot of wicked bad advice on these forums. When ever someone gives you advice please research it. Good luck!