I just don't know...


New Member

small inner shoots are yellowing. Larger leaves are nice and green. I had/have 4 main tops. But since its lst'ed and still vegging Its growing other little tops in the center of the plant(yellowing leaves)
View attachment 2494727View attachment 2494729 I had symptoms on the larger leaves with what looked to be potassium deficiency late stage. Tips browning and some black sports on outta edges of leaves.

Ps: I watered with 5.8 ph water using 16-10-30 Veg+bloom nute. Im still in veg. Growing medium is coco.
BTW, wtf, according to the chart you have to be spot on 5.8 ph in order to get potassium and calcium intake.


Well-Known Member
It looks healthy for the most part, are you feeding any nutrients? Plants that size like lots of nitrogen in veg.


bud bootlegger
a lot of times new shoots will come in a lighter green color and will darken up as they mature..

they look great imo, woulnd't change a thing..


New Member
"plants that size like a lot of n in veg" ....why thank you for the compliment. But um, I imagine Im getting enough nitrogen. My nutrient im using is 16-10-30. Then again now that I look at that ratio, maybe its not getting enough nitrogen.....Only thing is could do if feed more...but then I might have a problem with potassium abundance. potassium abundance is possible yes? I wonder If I just need to feed her a higher level of nutes. That just may do it.

PS: i feel like a dummy cause, you're right, it probably is nitrgen def. cause now that I think of it, the smaller newly sprouting shoots would need nitrogen since its creating new growth/shoots


New Member
a lot of times new shoots will come in a lighter green color and will darken up as they mature..

they look great imo, woulnd't change a thing..
thanks bro, I do know that the new shoots tend to be lighter in color. And thats what it looks like on my pictures from my camera, But my pics arent showing that its not just yellow. Its green with lots of yellow in it. looks tye dye yellow and green


Well-Known Member
New growth will sometimes be a lighter green, but if they are yellow on the tips it is most likely lacking nitrogen. 16-10-30 is a bit high in K for vegging plants. You want a 3-1-2 or 2-1-1 ratio during veg.


Well-Known Member
usually if new growth is yellowing and old leafs are green and your pH is good you are having sulfur deficiency

if it has yellow and green in new leafs its a iron deficiency

I think you should use a good base nutrient with trace elements and N