Oh my god so many people.. That was the terrible part.. Alright Im going to explain this trip because it was crazy, here it goes:
I started out at work.. Had to start at 7am. It was terrible because I was tired, didnt sleep the night before blah blah all because I ate a smaller amount.. Maybe 750mcg-1mg. I got off work at 2. Well I decided while at work since the night prior I had spilled my bag all over my kitchen and the powder was impossible to sweep back up. I also had a piece of tape with about 500mcg on it(ghetto I know). Well after work, I stuck my tongue in the bag, ate the piece of tape and licked my floor thinking 'this still wont be enough and who the fuck licks the floor?) the night before wasn't to my satisfaction.. I just didnt trip hard enough.. There was nothing but visuals.. No mind bending shit, it was just really cool. So I decided fuck it.
Well, first Im in my buddies car going to a park to meet up with a whole bunch of friends because we planned on going to a party that night. We get there and this one kid.. Was the weirdest.. Trippiest thing I have ever seen.. He had to have been like 17 or 18, and one of my friends who is very weird mind you said he hardly knew him and the kid paid him 10 dollars to give him a good night or something.. This was bizarre enough haha Anyways so we all went into this forest near the park to smoke, everyone was smoking spice at the time, and it really fucked this kid up.. He was so dazed he would NOT move. We started leaving the forest because these people were watching as this kid was resisting us not even saying anything. My laughing though is probably what everyone heard.. But he was trippin me out, everyone just left but I felt bad for him so I went up and tried to help him. He just stared at me with this like helpless look on his face but it was gross.. It was so fucking weird dude..
So we get out of there and go to this girls house whos party it was, with this kid still with us miraculously.. We just sat in her basement for awhile because people werent gonna be showing up for another few hours. I wanted to hit on some of her friends because they were very very attractive.. We were in the hippified basement, with these hot girls, and I felt like a god. Like I was on some golden throne.. Unfortunately I could not communicate at this point. One of the girls asked me if I wanted a drink.. Well apparently.. I wasn't sure what she said I thought she was pointing out something.. Or something.. I dont know. So I screamed 'I DONT CARE!!!!!' and well.. I didnt get laid that night. I just could not talk. All I did was eat one cracker the whole night, nibbled throught like 6 hours. And then I wanted a drink, my buddy had a dr pepper in his hands and was complaining because only one drink was left. So we had a 10 minute battle over it, and I one and got his last drink. I still have the dr pepper can. I said it was my best friend just to be funny and Id never rid of it. Now its an ongoing joke.. Hehe Ill never get rid of it.
Then we went on a walk becasue they wanted to smoke and I kept begging to look at the sky.. It looked just.. Amazing.. But the girls made that trippy kid dance and do all sorts of weird shit. He was like a mega creepy puppet. He went pee behind this tree, and then poked his head out and smiled at us, not blinking just staring at us.. I was having quite a ball with this dude, he was cracking me up.. Although he was freaking everyone else out. Soooo.. We get back to the house and then the party starts, I spent a majority of the time stealing their bath tub and dumping glow sticks in it and screaming OCCUPIED whenever someone knocked on the door.. Lights off by the way lol
Well the kid disappears. And when I was all squeaky clean I came out and the cops are at the door with him saying he stumbled into the neighbors back yard and just laid in the grass laughing. There was a mega buzzkill because the police were harassing the girl whose house it was for letting a minor get drunk, which he wasn't. Somehow though she explained how we lost track of him and he seemed balls out crazy so she didn't know anything.. They didnt mess with the house after that, but the kid was taken in.
By then the trip was wearing off and I just went home early.. But god I still dont know if that kid was just fucked up, or just.. Insane.. I don't know but it was the trippiest trip that Ive had in probably forever as far as events and circumstances go