Well-Known Member
I just wanted to share this with somebody who might care. My neighbors have kept horses and a barn full of rolls of hay for 25 years. The back door of that barn is open and the horses stand there and eat from the rolls of hay. So for 25 years hay and horse manure have been stomped into the ground by 10 or so horses and donkeys. I've been there a bunch of times, but never noticed how black the soil was. I grabbed a shovel and took out a scoop and found like 5 worms and a lot of little bugs crawling around. I've learned a little about soil micro biology from the book Teaming With Microbes and I can tell this is good stuff. I'll post some pics. I filled up totes and buckets all day and dumped it on my garden plots. Which I just started from digging up a section of my lawn earlier this year. So it's all just red clay. This organic matter is going to do a lot for the garden. And there's so much more of it. I've recently been learning about organic gardening and started a vermicompost bin. That's for the cannabis though. I've had compost piles all year and am really committed to using only organic inputs in all my gardening. I spread it over the plots and covered it with old hay so everything doesn't get washed out. Let me know what you think about the hay as a covering? Or any tips.