I Just Got 2 Teeth Pulled


Well-Known Member
And it really sucks. I have some Vicodin to help, but it sucks I can't smoke for a couple days. I had a wisdom tooth, and the one beside it pulled this morning, but it is really sore. Hopefully by Saturday it will be good.

I also think that one more of my plants is male, which will cut me down to 3 plants.
And it really sucks. I have some Vicodin to help, but it sucks I can't smoke for a couple days. I had a wisdom tooth, and the one beside it pulled this morning, but it is really sore. Hopefully by Saturday it will be good.

I also think that one more of my plants is male, which will cut me down to 3 plants.

Wow...sounds like your just havin a shitty day..why cant you smoke??
Ya can smoke just dnt draw on the pipe,joint,or cig real hard. Just little puffs.

It will be ok.
I was told I couldn't smoke or drink from straws when I had all four of my wisdom teeth pulled. I smoked every day, and nothing happened, just take little puffs and it'll be all good.
i got ya. stay active as much as possible...walking around wise( no sports). laying down allows gravity to take effect and you may see more swelling.

dry sockets are caused by loss of the blood clot. the pain is not infection but exposed bone with nerve endings. smoking can cause loss of the clot so be careful. however, small tokes like dirtyboy said should be cool. just dont go cleaning pipes
Ya can smoke just dnt draw on the pipe,joint,or cig real hard. Just little puffs.

It will be ok.

^^^yup.....i got two teeth pulled last wed. one on the right bottom and one on the top left...i was puffin an hour after the dentist...but do it with moist gauze in your mouth and rinse it out lightly afterwords...i wish i coulda got some brett favre's...he told me just to take ibprofin...
I didn't mind getting my teeth pulled. The dentist guy put a bit of anesthetic in my IV and I was sitting there enjoying it for a bit until he put the rest in. Then I woke up 3 minutes before everyone else usually does and kept laughing off my ass. Not a bad day.
I didn't mind getting my teeth pulled. The dentist guy put a bit of anesthetic in my IV and I was sitting there enjoying it for a bit until he put the rest in. Then I woke up 3 minutes before everyone else usually does and kept laughing off my ass. Not a bad day.

?????...what do you mean he put anesthetic in your IV???...why did you have an IV?..what are you talking about???...dude how stoned are you right now?....
I don't want to run the risk of a dry socket.

I had two teeth yanked two weeks ago .. I just kept that gauze bitten down on and I smoked ... just draw soft ..... You'll be fine .. But the way they explain that dry socket kinda scares the hell outta you dont it :hump:
Get you a plastic water bottle with the spout on it(sports bottles). Take the top off and find a way to tightly fit a joint into the inside center where the water would normally come out, something clay like works if anything at all is needed. Once you do this, light the joint and screw the lid back on. Squeeze the bottle and it should start pushing smoke out, take nose hits. You might need to also cut you a carb at a comfortable spot to let the bottle fill with air again. They make these things too, but I have not seen one in a long time.
i love my dentist he's an old school guy who has white hair growing out his ears, knows all the tricks of no pain dentistry, plays classic rock while pulling teeth, and he gives me NITROUS OXIDE (laughing gas) for an additional $10. whats better than that.

i had 4 wisdoms out at different times the top one's roots were so close to my nasil cavity he told me not to sneeze through my nose if i could control it for a little while because i could blow a hole through it.
i love my dentist he's an old school guy who has white hair growing out his ears, knows all the tricks of no pain dentistry, plays classic rock while pulling teeth, and he gives me NITROUS OXIDE (laughing gas) for an additional $10. whats better than that.

i had 4 wisdoms out at different times the top one's roots were so close to my nasil cavity he told me not to sneeze through my nose if i could control it for a little while because i could blow a hole through it.

I blew the clot out of my top wisdom socket about an hour after i had it taken out and could not smoke or suck on a joint as air would pass through my nose into my mouth. strange feeling. I had to return to the dentist to get my socket re-done and get another clot formed. It was so painfull the next day as the dentist had to make the socket bleed again.
If you are going to smoke or blow your nose be careful.
I am having the other top wisdom out on the 26th of this month and i,m not looking forward to it. :cry:
i hate the dentist.
I blew the clot out of my top wisdom socket about an hour after i had it taken out and could not smoke or suck on a joint as air would pass through my nose into my mouth. strange feeling. I had to return to the dentist to get my socket re-done and get another clot formed. It was so painfull the next day as the dentist had to make the socket bleed again.
If you are going to smoke or blow your nose be careful.
I am having the other top wisdom out on the 26th of this month and i,m not looking forward to it. :cry:
i hate the dentist.

tell him you want the gas NO2. when i got mine out they gave me vicodin and i could'nt work on that stuff so i took 2 500 mg ibuprofin and it actually killed the pain better and faster
have changed my dentist so i think i will ask for that. The top ones seem to have longer roots than the bottom ones.