i just got 55 clones can you check em out and my grow aint ready yet what should i do

hey i got 55 bubba kush clones not in best shape but for 2.00 ea you cant go wrong..

but im at buddys its in a box what should i do??? leave in dark for one more night

and there going all yellow already but look pree strong roots look good
looks like there kinda going into budding already.... ???




Well-Known Member
not the greatest pics, but assuming there's roots under there, those ones look just fine to me. Unless the rest look pretty bad, or you know for a fact they have been in the dark for a while already, I wouldn't stress another 24 hours. Maybe in the morning you could stick them under a window to get a little natural light if you were worried about it.


Active Member
Umm. I don't really know any of your conditions. But, I would say if they have roots, get 'em under lights and start a feeding regiment. If they don't, get 'em under a dome and some light.

Damn, that's a steal. I want some Bubba in my garden.

Good Luck.

i am at my friends house 1 hour away from my house he doesnt have grow lights or domes but buddy who had them said now or never hes leaving for bit so had to take them
but cannot do it do you think they will be okay one night with no light??

and what happends if there already flowering :S?
thanks man ye the other ones are more yellow.... but ill be headed home somtime tmmr its 12am right now im headed to bed in aprox 30 mins and then wake up at 10 so 10 hours no light then ill run home and throw under a fish tank light till
i got the 3 1000watts running you think that will be enouph???

and how much do you think i can pull off?? im gunna veg for 6 weeks clone then veg another week bud and take 4 out turn into mothers so keep vegging them? and then bud for how long you figure?


Well-Known Member
with clones be careful not to dry them out (ie, don't get your lights to close). 1000w is pretty hefty for new clones, but with enough distance it should work, and you can just move them closer over time. They will be fine for 10 hours unless they are on the verge of death. You need a bit of intensity to start photosynthesis, but once it's going it takes surprisingly little light to keep it going. As I mentioned, under a window is pretty good in a pinch, or it sounds like your fish light will be decent for a pinch too. The sooner you get them under lights and start acclimating to nutes the better :)

All the above assumes roots, if they don't have roots it's into a dome, and if you use the 1000w be EXTREMELY careful of how warm you let it get. Keep the light VERY FAR away :)
ye will be left far away from light they all have very nice roots long white thick roots but the leaves look like nutes burn...

should i start it up with the flora? or is like mirco grow better?


Active Member
Yeah, definitely start those up under 1 of your 1000-watters, and keep it at a decent distance. And, if there's not a good enough root system yet, get them under a dome.
