If you could do that, it would kick ass.. the bump was on during the 30 min block of robot chicken[adult swim] runs all there shows twice. ill see it later. i could probably send or post the clip maybe, if i dont get too lazy.
no way. thats cool, too bad you didnt type something better........*my butt itches* doesnt work for me, they wasted the bump......no offence though bro, congrats on your 15 minutes of fameshit you not- this was the bump:
dear [adult swim],
my butt itches.
Damn i wish i had a dvr....... too cool though. i had to brag!
no way. thats cool, too bad you didnt type something better........*my butt itches* doesnt work for me, they wasted the bump......no offence though bro, congrats on your 15 minutes of fame
thats what all the other people thought too that didnt get their post aired. your post prolly wouldnt have been aired either.no way. thats cool, too bad you didnt type something better........*my butt itches* doesnt work for me, they wasted the bump......no offence though bro, congrats on your 15 minutes of fame