I just got ripped off. They're gone. Increase your security!!


Well-Known Member
I had one of my old friends from a while back call me and ask how to take care of a plant that he had stolen from his cousin! Fucked up.

Sorry to hear about your plants. Get an electric fence for your next op.
Not as bad as my friend. He stole a QP from me and was the only person who knew where my stash was (hadnt changed it in awhile). Then turns around, KNOWING we both knew he couldnt afford anywhere near a QP. Calls me, Asks if I want to come smoke.

An electric fence is always nice. Id do what I did: Go over to smoke. Wait for something to slip and when it does. Drop a couple pounds of lead there way.

Shame its come to this though. At least I can honestly say iv never stolen any ones weed.


After we train the squirrels, hook up the bells and install the electric fence we MIGHT try again. We'll be camped next to 'em armed and ready though. Thanks to everyone...somehow it has made it a little easier knowing others feel our pain.... I hope to be posting for some grow advice soon.
We have a short list but we have no choice but to wait until the thieving bastards start running their mouths. It will happen. We're patient.